How it works

When you take a class at DA you need to buy two books. One is a workbook and one is the course book. So far in my class, we work equally from both. The books also come with a CD in the back. I haven’t tried the CD out yet, but I’m sure it’s also helpful. My class is designed to finish one chapter a day, so that we actually finish the entire book within four weeks. The books is titled „Menschen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache“ by Hueber Verlag. I think our course is cleverly laid out. Inside our books are 4 modules (one for each week) containing three chapters each. Monday, Tues, and Wednesday are for intensive grammar and vocabulary…. then Thursday is for review. I’ve found it nice to learn at a kind of slower pace, than maybe compared to actual university courses, because there is less pressure to study outside of designated course times. I think when ever anyone becomes a student „home work“ is generally expected of them. That’s not the case here with DA. At least for me. I am able to finish all of my assignments within the three hour course time. It’s enough learning for one day and once I leave the building I’m free to do other things… like visit the Donauinsel!!!imageimageimage