Monthly Archives: September 2009

Kulturprogramm – Jugendstil (art nouveau) in Wien

Die im Stil des ‚Jugendstil’ errichteten Gebäude gehören zu den berühmtesten Wiens. In einem Spaziergang erkundeten wir das Wien der Jahrhundertwende (19./20. Jahrhundert) und lernten Werke von berühmten Künstlern wie Gustav Klimt, Otto Wagner oder Joseph Maria Olbrich kennen. Anschließend ließen wir den Tag bei einem gemütlichen Drink ausklingen.










Das Kuturprogramm findet jeden Dienstag Nachmittag statt und ist für Schüler der DeutschAkademie gratis!
Möchtet ihr auch außerhalb des Kurses Deutsch lernen und mehr über Wien erfahren? Habt ihr Lust, neue Freunde mit denselben Interessen zu finden?
Dann registriert euch noch heute im 3. Stock der DeutschAkademie für das Kulturprogramm!

My German course in Vienna


That’s me, studying German so hard!

What I like the most about DeutschAkademie is how it encourages students to participate in class, and how interactive the class becomes with all the exercises.

I feel more motivated to learn German, since now I’m starting to catch up some phrases and I’m now able to talk -a little, but it’s better than nothing…-

The teacher is good, she makes a big effort and she has a lot of patience.

The best of DeutschAkademie


It is difficult to say what is the best of DeutschAkademie. The last week I described many advantages I found to study German in the Akademie. Maybe, in my opinion, it is the fact that people are very friendly and anxious to help the students in all their troubles and doubts.

This environment has helped me to open my mind to German and to discover that learning this language has not been so difficult as I believed it, although I continue believing that it is. As I told the last week, I decided to learn German in Vienna in an intensive way to be able to integrate myself in the High School in Austria and for the future to improve my skills for studying the University in Foreign Languages.

My teacher always is very interested in helping us and in solving all our doubts. She is really very professional. Time flies in the Akademie. There is not time for boring.

Learning German in Vienna

I found out last spring that I would be moving to Austria for a period of time.  Although I was excited about the opportunity, I was nervous about not knowing the language. When I arrived in Austria, I was happy that I found DeutschAkademie. It was reasonably priced, and each course is only one month long — which makes learning German in Vienna more convenient for me. So far, I am happy about my decision to take this course at DeutschAkademie. (I am in level 1a).

I am a graduate student in Computer Science at Duke University. My adviser and research group are currently working at the Institute for Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria). Here is a photo of some of the people from IST Austria during the last BBQ of the summer:


Vienna, the imperial and cultural city


Vienna is a beautiful city, located in the center of Europe. There are many historical and cultural monuments and its transportation system is one of the best in the world. In this first year living in Vienna, I have visited the majority of the most important monuments of this city:  St. Stephan Cathedral,  „Rathaus“ (Town Hall), Secession Museum, St.Charles Church, The Opera,  The Parlament, The Schonbrunn Palace (Summer Palace of the Emperors), The Hofburg (Emperors Palace), the Belvedere Palace (Summer Palace of Prince Eugene) and most of its ancient and small streets in down town of the city.

I also could listen to a concert of the famous Singers Children from Vienna (Wiener Sängerknaben), in last winter and visited some of the most famous musems as Albertina, Emperors Museum, Sizi Museum, National Museum of Art. There are so many museums that it is difficult to visit all of them. I hope to do it at least this next year.  I have been able to listen the dialy concert with Mozart and Strauss music in the Shonbrunn Palace, too.

In Vienna also there are some modern buildings used for congresses and international conferences, as the Vienna International Center, which houses  some Organizations of the United Nations and other International Organisms since 1979 and the Austria Center, where there are exhibitions, spectacles and congresses all year long.

I like eating the delicious Viennesse food, particularly the „Sachertorte“and the „Wiener Schnitzel“, the most known dishes of this interesting city. We also have visited a few „Heurigers“, places outside the down town, where we find the most traditional recipes and we can drink the „young wine“, special wine for each year season.

I think that one year has not been enough for knowing this incredible city. I hope to continue visiting more places and people traditions and that’s why I need improve my German.

4th Day of my German course in Vienna


I took this picture in one of my favorite Pubs in Vienna: Waxy Murphy’s

What do I know about Vienna?

Well, there’s a lot to say about Vienna! Zhis city has a lot of history and it’s full of traditions.

The 2 most surprising things for me:

1. Is the fact that the stores close at 7pm (In Mexico, stores are open at least until 9 pm, and Supermarkets until 11 pm)

2. The love that the people have for dogs! It’s amazing! I also like dogs, but the pet that I have at home -in Mexico- is a fat spoiled cat.

It’s nice how relaxed life it’s here, I’m really enjoying this time!

A new excited day in DeutschAkademie


 This day was again very excited in Deutsch Akademie. I am learning German because it will be very useful for me in the High School. I need it for improving my studies and for my future career in Foreign Languages that I hope to take in the University. I chose DeutschAkademie because it is very near from home and it offers good prices for everyone.The courses have small groups and are intensive, very convenient for learning German quickly. German is a difficult language for people as me. My mother tongue is Spanish and that’s why I have more difficulties, but learning it at full time it will be easier for me to learn it in a short term. My schedule also is very convenient in the morning that my mind is fresh for getting new vocabulary, grammar and so on. I am very comfortable in this Akademie. People are very polite and they always are helping us in our questions and problems.

Learning German in Vienna

I’m taking a German course to become more competitive and because of the importance that the language has for my profession (I’m an engineer).

I asked the people that I know in Vienna for a good school to learn the language, and all of them told me that the best option was Deutsch Akademie because of the location and the reduced groups.


Vokiečių kalba yra lengva :)


Aš esu žurnalistė ir laikinai gyvenu Vienoje. Mano svajonė – suprasti austriškus laikraščius, knygas, TV bei radijo laidas ir tęsti čia žurnalistės darbą. Štai kodėl vos atvažiavusi į Vieną prieš pusę metų užsirašiau į Vienos Universiteto kursus.

„Vokiečių kalba yra lengva“ buvo pirmas sakinys, kurio ten vokiÅ¡kai iÅ¡mokÄ—. Bet patikÄ—ti Å¡iuo sakiniu nebuvo lengva, ypač susipažinus su galininko ir naudininko linksniais. Visgi pramokti gramatikos buvo kiek lengviau, nei iÅ¡drįsti prabilti vokiÅ¡kai.

Tad labai susidomėjau vienos pažįstamos pasakojimu, kad Vokiečių Kalbos Akademijoje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama bendravimui. Dabar Vokiečių Kalbos Akademijoje aš mokausi trečia savaitė, bet jau žinau, kur atostogauja mano kolegos, ką jie veikia laisvalaikiu, kada planuoja tuoktis, ką mėgsta valgyti ar gerti, kokią kalbą dievina mokytoja Liza ir t.t. Ir visa tai sužinojau bendraudama vokiškai!

Vokiečių Kalbos Akademijoje iÅ¡ties lengva patikÄ—ti, kad vokiečių kalba yra lengva. Na, daugiau ar mažiau 🙂

Ich bin Journalistin von Beruf und wohne jetzt zeitweilig in Wien. Ich träume davon, österreichische Bücher, Zeitungen und Fernseh-Shows oder Funksendungen gut zu verstehen und dann meine journalistische Arbeit weiterzumachen. Deshalb habe ich vor einem halben Jahr begonnen an der Universität Wien Deutsch lernen.

„Deutsch ist leicht“ war der erste Satz, welchen ich im Unterricht an der Uni gelernt habe. Aber es war nicht leicht zu glauben, dass Deutsch wirklich leicht ist, besonders als ich Akkusativ und Dativ getroffen habe. Doch Deutsche Grammatik zu lernen ist ein bisschen leichter als den Mut zu finden, Deutsch zu sprechen.

Darum war ich sehr neugierig, als meine Bekannte von der DeutschAkademie erzählt hat. Sie hat gesagt, die größte Aufmerksamkeit gilt der Kommunikation: Deutsch sprechen und verstehen.

Jetzt bin ich seit drei Wochen in der Deutsch Akademie, aber ich weiß schon, wo meine Kollegen Urlaub machen, was sie in ihrer Freizeit machen, wann sie ihre Hochzeit feiern, was sie essen oder trinken, welche Sprache unsere Lehrerin Lisa liebt und so weiter. Und fast alles habe ich auf Deutsch erfahren!

Also, in der Deutsch Akademie ist es wirklich nicht schwer zu glauben, dass Deutsch leicht ist. Mehr oder weniger. 🙂

Day 2 at the language school in Vienna


The first two days of the course went well. We learned how to introduce ourselves and ask basic questions about other people. Yesterday, we went over the alphabet and numbers. We found at least one german word for every letter, except for Y.

There are ten people in the class, from all around the world. Ich bin Amerikanerin, und ich wohne in Klosterneuburg. Karine kommt aus Frankreich, und Yi kommt aus China. Ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Karine ist 22 Jahre alt. Arbert ist 16 Jahre alt, und Elliot ist 23 Jahre alt.


My first impressions in DeutschAkademie

My second day has been very interested. As yesterday, we learned a lot of German because the course is intensive. I really believed that I could have had difficulties for learning the language only in German speaking but now I am very happy knowing that I could understand almost everything, because my teacher also speaks slowly and clearly. In my level we are eight students from different countries: Canada, Japan, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, USA and Ecuador.  All of us are very interested in learning German. We really have enjoyed it a lot.