Monthly Archives: Juni 2018

Die erster Kurstag

Die erster Kurstag war wirklich gut. Wir konnten uns vorstellen, wiederholen, spielen, und wir haben danach über Heimat gesprochen. Heimat ist nicht eindeutig. Für alle Leute bedeutet diese Wort anders. Wir sind in Kurs aus Rumänien, Polen, Serbien, Syrien, Kuba, Iran, Slowakei
und Ungarn. Die Leute sind zirka ab 20 bis 40 Jahre alt. Sie sind mir sympathisch.
Interessant Fakt: Ein Mann aus dem Kurs kann wenig auf Ungarisch sprechen. Das war
mir ein Überraschung und freut mich.
Unsere Lehrerin ist auch nett und hilfbereit. Wir bekommen immer ein E-mail mit Informationen, Lehrmaterial und Empfehlung(Tipps zum Deutsch lernen und zur Bücher).
Sonst lernen wir aus Aspekte neu B2 Teil 1.Das Buch enthält interessante, lebensnähe Texte, Grammatikbeschreibung, Wortschatz, ein Arbeitsbuch(mit Lösungen), + Audio-CD zum hören.

Ich denke, in Österreich ist spannender Deutsch lernen, als Deutschland. Man kann ein eigene Sprache, neben Hochdeutsch, hier kennenlernen. Die Mischung von Kulturen (in der unserer Gruppe) ist sehr interessant. Wir können nicht nur Österreich und die deutsche Sprache, sondern auch viel Land und Völker kennenlernen.


Wo schaust du die Weltmeisterschaft in Wien?

Amigos hola, para todos los que amamos el futbol y nos acaba de picar el mosquito futbolero hice una lista de los mejores lugares públicos en Viena los que podemos ver los mejores partidos del mundial RUSSIA 2018.

Strandbar Herrmann : Hermannpark,1030 Wien
Sand in the City : Lothringerstraße 22,1030 Wien
CREAU : Meiereistraße 12,1020 Wien
Summerstation : Donauinsel , 1210 Wien





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Hola gente, hoy en mi blog les quiero compartir algo muy rico que en lo especial a mi me encanta y es una receta de mí país. Como lo dice Jhonatan Safran Foer: “La comida es la cultura, el hábito, el deseo y la identidad”. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo y más cuando se trata de compartir con amigos de todos los lugares del mundo. Seguro todos hemos escuchado del muy bien preparado Ceviche que lo he probado en algunos lugares en Sudamérica y realmente cada uno es único , diferente y me ha dejado fascinada hace un tiempo mi abuela compartió conmigo una receta de un ceviche muy diferente para unos y para otros ya conocida , el ceviche de pollo aquí agregaré lo que necesitamos

• Taza de Salsa De Tomate
• 1/2 Cdita. De Comino
• 1 Cdita. De Sal Al gusto
• 1 Cdita. De Pimienta Negra Al gusto
• 1 Taza De Zumo De Naranja
• 1 Cda. De Zumo De Limón
• 2 Cebolla morada o perla picadas en pluma
• 1 Cda. De Culantro finamente picado
• 2 Tomate Riñón picado en cubos
• 1/2 Bandeja de Pechuga

• Cocine las pechugas hasta que esté totalmente hervido deje enfriar y corte en trocitos. Separe un poco del caldo del pollo para agregar a la mezcla.
• A parte, mezcle salsa de tomate con los jugos de limón y naranja, y demás especias en lo general le suelo agregar mostaza es un tip que a mí me encanta .
• Añada las cebollas, tomates, pollo picado, mezcle bien y deje reposar.
• Sirva con canguil o patacones

Esta receta es demasiada rápida, deliciosa, barata y que se puede compartir con todos nuestros amigos y familia ya que tendremos una cantidad muy grande


Playlist für Anfänger

Hallo Hallo…. Cómo están?
Hoy les voy a compartir 8 canciones súper fáciles de entender para que podamos practicar nuestra pronunciación, afinar nuestro oído al alemán y también agregar una o unas palabras a nuestro vocabulario , es una variación de géneros que espero que les ayude mucho.

• Marlene Dietrich – Sag mir wo die Blumen sind.
• Rammstein – Du Hast
• Alexander Klaws – Morgen explodiert die Welt
• Blumfeld – Der Wind#
• Casper – XOXO
• Chapeau Claque – Pandora
• CHAPEAU CLAQUE – Zusammen im Kreis
• Berge – 10.000 Tränen

Ein Au pair ist da

Ich heiße Katalin Ildikó Széll. Mein Kosename ist Kati. Ich komme aus Ungarn. Ich bin seit 7 Monate in Österreich. Ich besuche im Juni in Wien ein Intenzivkurs hier, bei DeutschAkademie.
Ich arbeite als Au Pair in einer kleinen, zusammenhaltenden Stadt neben bei Neusiedler See.         Ich kann hier meine Hobbys ausüben: radeln, schwimmen, wanderung, malen, fotografieren.         Au pair heißt, ich beschäftige mich mit Kindern (mit 2 Mädchen, 1 Bub), passe ich auf Kinder auf, ich spiele mit ihnen; zB. Versteck-, Fangespiel, Puppespiel mit Mädels, Fußballspiel mit Bub. Ich lese vor, oder lesen wir zusammen. Ich bringe die Kinder zur Schule und zur Kindergarten und hole ich ab. Ich kann mit 3 (2,4 und 7 Jahre alt) Altersstufe Erfahrungen sammeln. Die Großen (Erwachsenen) können auch von Kleinen(von Kinder) lernen.
Das Sprachlernen gehört zu Au pair Arbeit. Ich kann meine Deutschkenntnis verbessern. Außerdem helfe ich bei Hausarbeit. Ich fahre oft mit meiner Gastfamilie, wohin sie fahren. Wir haben zB. ein Skiurlaub gemacht. Ich wollte und ich kann auch eine fremde Kultur „zuinnerst“ kennenlernen. Ich mag die Leute in Österreich. Sie sind hilfbereit und nett.

Hallo Leute ich bin Anahí

Hola amigos , mi nombre es Anahí Campoverde soy ecuatoriana estudié en Ecuador Ciencias Políticas y Sociológica me apasiona la lectura , los viajes , el aprendizaje , la filosofía , la sociología y hace 10 meses que vivo en Austria , el pasado agosto llegue aquí con fin de ser voluntaria en un programa social que ayuda a proyectos sociales alrededor de Austria , trabajo en una casa para personas con diferentes habilidades mentales y físicas adoro mi trabajo y cada día aprendo mucho más , mi interés de participar en programas sociales viene desde hace mucho tiempo atrás soy la fundadora de la fundación ovejitas que ha brindado ayuda a orfanatos , directora general de CONECTA TÚ ÁRBOL programa de Navidad que ha beneficiado a familias de bajos recursos y he sido tutora académica en la escuela Mujeres de frente , estos programas se desarrollan en mi país . Me gustaría introducirlos un poco en quien soy yo ya que nos veremos más seguido en mis siguientes blogs.
Buenas Vibras!

Heurigen day

Heurigen – tradition you HAVE to experience

Two weeks ago I didn’t know anything about Heurigen and look at me now – I am writing an article to recommend it. It was just love from first sight! I am person who definitely loves „dolce vita“ and I can say that the Heurigen  is the Austrian version of this concept. In general this is lovely outdoor restaurant located in between vineyards, serving amazing local dishes and self produced wine. In Google you can find a lot of options but the best thing is still to get tips from the locals.

We were invited on a birthday party in Heurigen Hirt. There is a short way straight to the place but we prefer walking for like 1 hour through the vineyards. We took U4 to Spitalau and then the tram D to Nussdorf. It’s a small ex-village, nowadays Vienna district. The atmosphere over there is relaxed, the air is fresh and birds are singing. The road through the vineyards towards Heurigen is flat and easy for walking. All of the Heurigens are famous with delicious food they are serving so it’s very good for your body to get walk before and after it.

On your way through the vineyards you can see one part which is the celebrity dedicated one. A lot of famous people came here and left their blessings and good thoughts to the grapes.

Heurigen Hirt is located on very nice spot with stunning view to the city. You can order different type of red and white wine locally produced. The food list is short but more than satisfying. Both meat and vegetarian options. We tried the grilled vegetables, filled potato, bread and one very interesting soft cheese. You have to be careful, the prices are quite high but it’s worthy at least for once to try this experience – Heurigen visit!



Markets in Vienna

Markets culture

It’s really fascinating that in Vienna there is so strong and well developed market culture! You can definitely judge a city by it’s markets. Whenever you are fan of farmer and organic food or you love buying vintage clothes, Vienna has lot to offer. There are some residential markets (happening every Saturday) plus many others pop ups. I have already told you about my favorite vintage one – Flohmarkt. Today I want to share another two great markets in Vienna – Naschmarkt and Brunnenmarkt.


Naschmarkt is located right next to Flohmarkt which is great because you can combine them (although you will need quite a lot of time). It is easy accessible by U4, station Kettenbrückengasse.

On the Naschmarkt you can find stands with organic fruits and vegetables, beautiful flowers and plants and all kind of local home production. If you love honey and wine, this is certainly your place! There are also a lot of street food options like kebap, falafel and hummus. You can find also some clothes, accessories and home utensils. If you continue straight ahead you will enter in area with amazing variety of restaurants and bistros.


My personal favourite market for vegetables, fruits and herbs is Brunnenmarkt. It is easy accessible by U6, station Thaliastrasse. The market is very crowded and full with lovely aromas and flavours. The prices are certainly lower than Naschmarkt, maybe because the other one is more central. Trust me, it’s worthy  to go to Brunnenmarkt. The fruits and vegetables are quite fresh and on very reasonable prices. The choice is so big! You can also find raw meat, fish and eggs, mostly of them home made by small local farms. Around the market are located some very nice locals serving international cuisine. They are perfect for late Saturday brunch 🙂

Deutsch Akademy: the best choice for learning

Learning in Deutsch Academy

In my previous entry on this topic, I shared with you that I am very happy learning German language in Deutsch Academy. Today I want to get into more details about. I had two levels so far: A2.1 and A2.2 in two months April and May. In each we had different teacher and different classmates. At first I was bit stressed but not after long I realised that changing the context is always helpful! My contact with two different teachers gave me wider perspective and now I am really thankful that I met them both. Claudia and Vera, if you reading this: THANK YOU ladies, you rock it!

A2 level is very important and my advice to everyone is not to miss it and jump in B level. The fundament of German is definitely in A level!

Menschen book

Our Deutsch book and workbook is Menschen. I had A1 level back in Bulgaria with the same one and I really like it! Pair of books for each level costs 20 euro and you can buy it from the office right before the course beginning. Menschen is well developed and modern system for language learning. Every lesson has different topic, words and grammar. The vocabulary consist of great everyday use words, verbs and constructions.

Even I’m grown up, I’m really happy to learn with pictures and Menschen books are full of funny illustrations which are very helpful in better memorising. After every three lessons we had 45 minutes test to recap the knowledge. The test is divided in 3 parts: words, structure and communication. The same evaluation system is in the tests in workbook. If you have learned well the material then the test is not a problem at all. 🙂 Unfortunately one month is not enough to do ALL the exercises, but that’s also fine. I think is very useful for every student to do his/her own recap of the level.

Gartenbau kino

Kino experience in Vienna

Recently I had the chance to visit movie theatre for first time in Vienna. The word in Deutsch is the international „kino“. In the last years mostly of the salons are located in malls. It is comfortable yes, but it’s far away from authentic movie experience. My boyfriend knows my criteria and he surprised me with reservation in Gartenbau kino. This is an old school movie theatre, located in old building, refreshed by famous architect in 1960. It is very easy accessible by U3, station Stubentor. The cost of the ticket is 9 euro and the program is changing daily. We choose late projection at 20:30. Inside there is caffe bar for drinks and light snacks (no popcorn unfortunately). The sound system is amazing and the screen is so big! The entire salon is wide and spacious, with nice amphitheatre.

Isle of dogs

The movie we watched was the newest Wes Anderson – Isle of dogs. Honestly, this was one of the best shoots I have watched in last few years! It’s just amazing how good is done, it is a real masterpiece! The genre is stop motion animation with adorable characters, interesting story and beautiful details. Some of the most famous Hollywood actors are participating as voices: Edward Norton, Bill Murey, Scarlet Johanson. The language of the movie is English and Japanese plus subtitles in Deutsch. I don’t want to tell you the story so you can be intrigued to watch it but in few words, Isle of Dogs is telling about how strong is the relationship between human and dogs. Our 4 paws friends are loyal, intelligent and sensitive and we can rely on them in hard moments and situations.

After the movie you can have drinks in some of the many locals nearby or you can just walk through the beautiful Vienna city centre.

Trip to Slovenia part 2: Piran

Camp Lucija

Very near to the camping there is Mercator supermarket where you ca find all type of products you need on very reasonable prices. Very close to the camp there is also Pharmacy. Everything works till late – 8:30-9:00 in the evening. You have several options for beach in Lucija camp. The first one is on the platform at the end of the camping. There is enough space on it and the entering in the sea is quite easy thanks to stairs. Over there you can also find showers as well. If you prefer you can continue ahead where you enter zone with grass. There is also surf camp and bar for beer and drinks. The overall atmosphere is chill and easy.



Piran is another small village on Adriatica coast. It is 8 km from Lucija. You can take the bus from the big bus station across the camp. Station number 5, every 10 minutes, billet costs 1,20 euro in one direction. Don’t bring your pet with you – we had problem with this on the way back from Piran and we had to take a taxi. Between Camp Lucija and Piran is Portorose. This is the commercial and mainstream part of the region. We didn’t like it because we prefer more sophisticated and authentic places. BUT when you enter in Piran, you understand what really beautiful Adriatica village means! It’s stunning! I can compare it only with Amalfi and Positano! The harbour is small but perfectly organised, the architecture follows best mediterranean traditions, the people are smiley and positive. You can walk through the little streets and enjoy the maritime chill atmosphere. Oleanders, roses, olives and figs fill the air with divine smell. There is small beach with platform and stairs to the sea. You can also step to the top of the village and enjoy breath taking view to the port and the see. A lot of restaurants, bars and cafes fill up the small streets. You can find also some very nice small shops for handmade clothes and accessories. The prices are normal, but not cheap.