Back to Austria

A friend of mine has travelled a lot in the last couple of weeks, even months. Each time when he returned to Austria, he was telling me that he has some rituals in order to adapt to the Austrian life again.  „How can that be possible?” was the question that was always sticking in my head.

The fact is that he travels a lot, gets in contact with so many cultures and gastronomies, that when he comes back to Austria he looks forward to eating the specialities that Austria prepares for it.

This time when he was in the country, this July we went to 15-16 Club, here in Vienna (next to Haus der Musik), he started with an Apfelstrudel, then Gordon Bleu. As you can see in the picture.

Everything was delicious!!

I do understand that he suffers that much without the fantastic Austrian cousine. SO happy to remain in the country! :->