Author Archives: Brittany


Meine Hobbys sind nähen, LaCrosse spielen, rennen, und Ski fahren.  Ich habe ein photo von meinem Team LaCrosse.


I like DeutschAkademie because the classes are small, and the instructor is very enthusiastic. The instructor of the class that I am taking is Lisa. I think that she is doing a fantastic job.  She must explain to us various concepts, using a limited vocabulary, as everything is new in the 1A class! Although I am living and working in an english-speaking environment, I do go out to eat. Since taking this class, I have been building my confidence for these small interactions.

Learning German in Vienna

I found out last spring that I would be moving to Austria for a period of time.  Although I was excited about the opportunity, I was nervous about not knowing the language. When I arrived in Austria, I was happy that I found DeutschAkademie. It was reasonably priced, and each course is only one month long — which makes learning German in Vienna more convenient for me. So far, I am happy about my decision to take this course at DeutschAkademie. (I am in level 1a).

I am a graduate student in Computer Science at Duke University. My adviser and research group are currently working at the Institute for Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria). Here is a photo of some of the people from IST Austria during the last BBQ of the summer:


Day 2 at the language school in Vienna


The first two days of the course went well. We learned how to introduce ourselves and ask basic questions about other people. Yesterday, we went over the alphabet and numbers. We found at least one german word for every letter, except for Y.

There are ten people in the class, from all around the world. Ich bin Amerikanerin, und ich wohne in Klosterneuburg. Karine kommt aus Frankreich, und Yi kommt aus China. Ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Karine ist 22 Jahre alt. Arbert ist 16 Jahre alt, und Elliot ist 23 Jahre alt.


Wer bin ich?


Guten Tag! Ich bin Brittany. Ich komme aus Philadelphia. Ich wohne in Österreich seit drei Wochen. Ich bin eine Forscherin am IST Austria (Institute for Science and Technology Austria).