Author Archives: Petru-Craciun

My weekend in Kapfenberg

After a Friday with no German lesson, but full of math for the cryptography course. It came Saturday. And there I was on the road again. Yes on the road to Kapfenberg. Kapfenberg a small City in the province of Styria, in witch I am doing my master degree studies  at Fh-Joanneum University of Applied Science. So because it is a part time master degree program I have decided to live in Vienna and to travel there only for the weekends.

Kapfenberg is  a really nice small city sounded by mountains. The journey by train takes about two hours but offers really spectacular views. Also it is not far from Graz the second biggest city in Austria, it only takes about half an hour by train.

And as  we all know the public transport infrastructure in Austria in on of the best in Europe. I have never experience any delay or problems with them.

That’s all for now about my weekend.

You will get more about Kapfenberg next Monday also some pictures.

An interesting German lesson!

In the last lesson we started a new chapter in the book.

That for me seems very interesting and captivating for me.

Because I have a background in the hotel business and I loved working in this sector of hospitality, yes it is interesting for me to learn it in German.

So with the new subject come a lot of new words to learn.

But there  is a good side of it too because we got a new subject to make dialogues and exercise our verbal skills.

Today was a lot of grammar…

German grammar gives me headaches.

Today was a lot of grammar but not only.

German is nice language until it comes to it’s grammar.

But yes step by step it more easily.

And that how you get it at Deutsch Akademie, also we repeat everything till everybody is clear and I like that.

My first test from yesterday went well but there is place for improvement I made 13.5 from 17.

For tomorrow I expect something new, we just started a new lesson from the course book. So a lot of  new words to discover tomorrow.

I think that’s it for today.

Se y tomorrow

My first Deutsch course at DEUTSCH AKADEMIE

At the beginning of last week I have stared a German course at Deutsch Akademie in Vienna.

Now the second  week of the  course and we are a full team of ten learners eager to discover Deutsch.

Today we had our first test it  was great not so hard hope that I’ve done well.

The pace of the course is just right not to fast not to slow.

I like it.

My  teacher is nice I like the way she approaches things, my colleagues too, they are from all aver the world UK, Italy, Nigeria, Russia, Serbia,   Bosnia, Turkey, Spain, and of course me from Romania

That’s it for today

I’ll be back tomorrow with more detail maybe in German too and some pictures.