Author Archives: Safieh

Mein letzter Deutschkurs in Wien

Heute war mein letzter Tag in dem Deutschkurs!

In diesem letzten Kurs habe ich viel gelernt.
Ich bin dankbar, dass die DeutschAkademie mir geholfen hat!

Und ich habe auch viele neue und interessante Leute getroffen und Freundschaft gemacht.
Aber das Wichtigste ist, dass ich gut Deutsch lerne!

Ich werde die nächste Stufe auch dort machen!

Und vielleicht das nächste Mal schreibe ich wieder hier!

Bis dann!

Alpbach – Tirol

Today I will write a little bit about Alpbach (Tirol).
I went there some time ago and I thought it is a place very beautiful!
And I recommend to people who want to rest to go there!
Because it is a very small and beautiful village, which is very quiet and pleasant!

Here comes some informmations:

– Alpbach is a village in Western Austria in the state of Tyrol.
– The population in 2003 was: 2,549
– Tourism is the main source of income.
– Tourists first began arriving in Alpbach at the beginning of the 20th century.
– Alpbach is the venue for the Alpbach European Forum since 1945 (an annual two-week conference of leading figures from the worlds of science, business, the arts and politics.)
– Alpbach is a well known ski resort




Very beautiful lakes:

Alpbach European Forum:




Konjunktiv 2

Our german course is almost finishing!
This is the last week, and today we did a important revision about Konjunktiv 2.

We learned how to use it with the following cases:
-Starke Verben
-Schwache Verben


After the course I was still there studing a little bit more with a friend of mine!


Schönnbrunn has been one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna.
Its construction was started at the end of the 17th century.
Johann Fischer von Erlach, was commissioned to design the palace.
The golden age of Schonbrunn began with Maria Teresa of Austria ( 1717-1780) and was only to end with the definite decline of the Hapsburg empire.
Inside it has the original Baroque style, with many touches of the rococo style.

Location: Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47-49
1130 Wien
U-Bahn  U4




Deutschkurs Wien

As I’m already used to do, today I will do a little revision of what we learned this week:

1) Normale Wortstellung im Hauptsatz
– Ergänzungen und Angaben
– Reihenfolge der Angaben
– Das Prädikat besteht aus mehreren Teilen
– Position 1 im Hauptsatz
– Das Verb aus Position 1

2) Satzverbindungen
– Hauptsatz vor Nebensatz: Das Verb mit der Persolnalendung schließt den Satz ab
– Nebensatz vor Hauptsatz: Verb stößt auf Verb
– Konnektoren, die Hauptsätze verbinden: aber, denn, doch, und, sondern, oder


Now it is getting a lot of things to study, but it is very good to see that we are improving our German!

Klettern in Wien

Heute war ich mit meiner Schule klettern!

Es war sehr schön und ich habe ein paar Fotos gemacht!

Es war im Gänsehäufel. Es ist eigentlich ein Städtisches Bad. Aber es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten für die Freizeit!

Es war eine schöne Überraschung, die ich wirklich gern gemacht habe! Deshalb möchte ich hier die Adresse schreiben, dann wer auch interessiert ist, kann auch hingehen!

22., Moissigasse 21  –  Fahrplanauskunft.
Telefon: +43 1 269 90 16
Städtische Bäder – Kontakt
Kaisermühlen – VIC / U1 U-Bahn Station

This is the place:       (Ps: it is very beautiful there)



This is the web-site:

A little about my language school in Vienna

Today I was just for 2 hours in the Deutschkurs, we did some exercises, corrected our homework and we did a little revision about a subject that we already learned, but some students still had problems with it. But now everybody understood!

Today I was talking to some friends, and they asked me if in my opinion the method to learn in Deutsch Akademie is good, and I guess that this is a question from many people. Well, I don’t know if with every teacher is the same method, but with my teacher is very great! We learn everything that we are supposed to learn from the book, and what we have to learn from our level, but every doubt that we have, also from old subjects we can also ask and the teacher explains us very good. We also have a lot of conversation and we also have to read and the teacher corrects us always, like that we learn really good how to pronounce right!

But there are two things that I really like, the first one is that the teacher accepts that we do as much homework as we want, and he brings everything home and corrects everything for us, even if it is not about what we are learning right now! And the second thing is that he can handle the exercises really good, he always „share“ the exercises, I mean, when someone is doing too much things or too less, he handle it in a good way that in the end everyboby does everything and everybody has the oportunity to learn!

Deutsch Akademie has been the best language school I have ever attended, and I do recommend it!

FIFA World Cup in Brazil

Because I am Brazilian I am very happy that the FIFA World Cup in 2014 will be there!

So I thought that it would be nice if I could write something about that!

It will be the first time that the World Cup will be in South America since the last one in 1978 that happend in Argentina! Brazil will be the fifth country to have the FIFA World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and Germany. The first time the country has hosted the competition was in 1950.

These twelve cities will be the host cities: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Salvador and Recife-Olinda will share one stadium.

Second week in my German course

Today was the last day from our secound week in the Deutschkurs, so i think that it will be nice to summarize what we did!

1) Präpositionen mit Dativ

2) Präpositionen mit Akkusativ

3) Verben mit wechselnden festen Präpositionen, OHNE Bedeutungsveränderung

4) Verben mit wechselnden festen Präpositionen, MIT Bedeutungsveränderung

5) Verben mit mehreren präpositionalen Ergänzugen

6) Wortbildung des Verbs    (*Vorsilbe betont – vom Verb trennbar / *Vorsilbe unbetont – vom Verb nicht trennbar)

I will also put a picture from my class in Deutsch Akademie! It is a really nice place to study!

Next time I hope that i can get a pic with my group together!



Today I will write a little about the general information from the Matura hier in Austria.

I think that it is something really importante to know about, and maybe I can help some people with some doubts!

What is Matura?

Matura is the final exams that we do at the end of our secondary education in the Gymnasium (AHS). The document received after the successful completion of the written and oral exams is called Maturazeugnis.

In the Matura is possible to do 3 or 4 written exams (4–5 hours each – usually in May) and 3 or 4 oral exams about a month later (usually in June). The important is that in total we have to do 7 exams.

The grading system is the same used in Austrian Gymnasium:

1 – sehr gut – is excellent;

2 – gut – is good;

3 -befriedigend – is satisfactory;

4 – genügend – is passed and

5 – nicht genügend – means that the candidate has failed.

Tomorrow I come with more informations =)

This is my school, the Gymnasium in Henriettenplatz:



Mein Deutschkurs

Gestern habe ich in dem Blog zum ersten Mal geschrieben.

Ich habe mich vorgestellt, aber ich konnte kein Bild von mir zeigen. Dann mache ich es heute.

Das bin ich:


Heute werde ich auch schreiben, was wir in der ersten Woche gelernt haben. Danach wer den Blog liest, hat ein Idee worüber wir in der Ebene M2(1) lernen.

Erste Woche:

1) Adjektive und Partizipien mit festen Präpositionen

2) Wortbildung des Adjektivs

3) Graduierung des Adjektivs