Category Archives: Tipp des Monats

Tips for learning – the post-it method

A few weeks ago, during a class at DeutschAkademie, our teacher gave us a tip for learning new words. This is a pretty interactive and fun way to do it, and I thought I’d share it with all of you.

I think it’s also called the Sherlock Holmes Method. Here it goes: you write the new words on post-its, and then, like a major detective, you start spreading out through the classroom (or house, works just as well at home).

You try to make associations, either with the meaning of the word and the nearby objects, or just to locate it within the room and to make yourself a mind-map with which word goes where. At start, I’d recommend you start with a few words, maybe five, but as you progress, you can up the number and have your room eventually covered in post-its. Ok, kidding, but you got the jest.

So, for example, the word ‘Strom’ could go next to the electrical outlet, or ‘Umweltproblem’ could go next to a map of the globe. I put up ‚Verkehr‘ next to a squibbly painting, because that’s how I associated it in my mind. Does it make sense to you? Give it a try the next time you have a long list of vocabulary words to learn, which you can break down in manageable bits and go through them 5-10 at a time. Good luck!

Last day of class – congrats to all!

Yesterday was the last class day from the B2.1 Module. Honestly, I don’t even know when the time flew by! I was chatting in the break with a few colleagues and they were of the same opinion that a month goes by so fast. It was also a nice, relaxed last day atmosphere, and we were talking about what each of us will be doing next, vis-à-vis German learning.

Some people, such as myself, are going further with the B2.2 class, which starts on Monday, some are taking a short break or thinking about half-intensive classes at Deutschakademie. I liked that our teacher also put together a few possibilities for bettering our German.

We can use the DeutschAkademie app, or opt for a Konversation Kurs, or Konversation Klub. We can also seek to read Austrian newspapers and magazines, for instance – Deutsch Perfekt, a monthly magazine which has texts in all levels – beginner, intermediate and advanced.

There are many things that you can try to improve your German level, I think it’s important that you keep going, because consistency is key, and include a bit of German learning in your everyday routine. Little by little, you will see improvements, for instance today in the car I was surprised that I could suddenly understand what they were saying on the radio!

Thanks DeutschAkademie, and see you soon!

Was macht ihr am Wochenende?

I am not ready yet to write a whole post in German… but, “Was macht ihr am Wochenende?/What are you going to do this weekend?” is  my question for you and, of my current post.

The current weekend is a longer one, Monday is a National Holiday in Austria. The Catholics are celebrating the Assumption of Marry (meaning the end of her earthly life). For the ones which are new in Vienna, I have to let you know, that on National Holidays all the shops are closed, like in a normal Sunday.

Even the weather is not so good, this does not mean our social and intercultural life has to stop. Because I was searching what I can do this weekend, I said I should share my list of events with you:

  1. So, for today, 12th of August, the Planetarium of Vienna invites us to watch the Perseids. Perseids is a meteor shower which takes place every year, from around mid-July end of August. In this period Earth is crossing the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, debris from this comet litters the comet’s orbit and small pieces and bits slam into the Earth’s upper atmosphere. We can watch the Perseids anywhere on Earth, and the peak is in this night. The Planetarium of Vienna event is free and starting at 7 p.m.. More details, you can find more information on their website, in the Aktuelles – News Veranstaltungskalender.
  2. On Sunday, Prater is celebrating Franz Joseph I, and is offering free rides in some of their locations. Also, until the end of August, The Olympia Looping, the biggest roller coaster in the world can be found in Prater.                                                                                                              Good to know: 250 year ago, Joseph II opened the former hunting ground to the public and “everyone without distinction was permitted to walk, ride and drive freely in the Prater”. 20150301_172348
  1. Afrika Tage Wien Festival – on Donauinsel. If you like African music, you’re interested in their artists, craftsman, food or accessories… than you should definitely make them a visit. Monday is the last day of the Festival, so hurry hurry hurry.
  2. Impulstanz (Vienna International Dance Festival), their last day is on Sunday. If you are into dancing or you just like to watch other people dancing, then you can join them. They can be found in lots of locations, their shows are great, but you could also attend some workshops.

With the hope, that I gave you some ideas, I wish a great weekend and more sun!

Bis bald!

Shpock and I

Before my studies officially begin I still have two weeks to go. My German course is almost finished and my Salsa lessons haven’t started yet. So I was thinking how to occupy myself for these couple of weeks as I hate doing nothing and having lazy days. Suddenly the opportunity popped up. Shpock, which is a start-up company in Austria, decided to launch a new promotion campaign. It was very convenient of me as I could improve my CV, earn some pocket money and help the company to develop. That is why I decided to join this campaign.

Let me tell you a bit about the company itself first. Shpock is a flea market for your mobile phone. It is an application that you can download for free and sell/buy different things through the online platform. The new campaign was related to the fact that Shpock has opened a new category of goods specifically for WU students. In order to get an access you have to verify your WU e-mail account. That is how the safety guarantee is maintained.

We had a promotion stand near WU Campus. We were also provided with several souvenirs from the company and brochures with explanation. I and other promoters had to attract students and get them to download the app and to apply the category. The job turned out to be harder than it seemed at the beginning. Apparently, it is not that easy to persuade people to do something they don’t feel the need to, or to raise interest in something they don’t actually know. This was exactly my task. So I tried promotion jobsmiling at passing by students, I was offering them brochures while singing, at the end I even turned on music and started dancing a bit. All measures were not effective enough: students were either in a hurry, or bored and irritated. By the end of the day I was really exhausted, I didn’t know what else I could possibly do. And I have to do promotions for 2 more weeks.

I guess I will have to sleep on that and try to figure out something tomorrow, but if someone knows a secret, I would love to know it.

Shopping and Ermaßigung!

Shopping is a wonderful thing that is necessary for every girl on this planet! And Saturday is a perfect day to go shopping in Vienna. Mariahilferstrasse is almost done with the construction works and soon enough it will turn to the walking area without buses or cars, which would encourage even more intense shopping atmosphere and provoke even more buying desires.

Today at 12 pm I went there for a simple purpose of buying fitness gloves for my gym sessions. There is a big shopping mall with a sports store where I bought my gloves only for 5 euro. The mission was completed and it was the time to go home. If only!! Unfortunately for my wallet, it is the sales season at the moment in most of the stores. So I couldn’t calmly pass by the shop windows and not to go inside.

Firstly, I went to Deichmann, which offers truly affordable shoes with a relatively good quality. The new collection caught my attention and I just wanted to try one pair of shoes for the later purchase. But it was a mistake! The boots set perfectly and I bought them immediately for a modest price of 29.99 euro. “What a catch!” – I thought. Now it was a time to go home. In reality it was not that easy to implement. After a shoe store I went directly to Forever 21, H&M, Bershka and other well-known brands’ stores.

After 4 hours of shopping I realized that I bought only the necessary stuff that I couldn’t live without: one scarf, one jacket, accessories, and a skirt. Still there was something missing, but I couldn’t understand what exactly. Then in order to help me out, my friend arrived at Neubaugasse: together we realized that the appropriate nail-polisher was missing. So we went to Bipa, where finally we were satisfied with the results.

After such a hard day, everyone needs a rest – so my friend and I went to Illy to get some nice lunch/dinner and show each other our purchases. It was a wonderful day and I advise every girl from time to time to schedule such an amazing day for herself.

Deutsch-Intensivkurse im Monat Mai

12.05.2014 – 05.06.2014, 4 Wochen, Montag bis Donnerstag

19.05.2014 – 06.06.2014, 3 Wochen, Montag bis Freitag

liebe deutsch

Möchtest du im MAI deine Sprachkenntnisse erweitern? DANN HABEN WIR EINE GUTE NACHRICHT FÜR DICH! MELDE DICH JETZT FÜR EINEN KURS AN!  //  Do you want to expand your language skills in MAY? THEN WE HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! SIGN UP NOW!

Komm einfach in unser Büro! Wir beraten dich gerne von Montag bis Donnerstag zwischen 9 Uhr und 19 Uhr oder freitags zwischen 9 Uhr und 15 Uhr! // Just come to our office! We are happy to give you advice from Monday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. or  on Fridays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.!



1010 WIEN

Tel : +43-1-585 73 13


ENGLISCH-INTENSIVKURSE bei der DeutschAkademie!

Die DeutschAkademie spricht ab jetzt auch Fremdsprachen….


KURSBEGINN: 10.06.2014

Kontaktieren Sie uns einfach unter

Sie möchten Ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern, um bessere Berufschancen zu haben? Sie möchten Menschen aus der ganzen Welt kennenlernen können? 

Dann sind unsere Englisch-Kurse ideal für Sie!

Vorteile, die begeistern..

  • Kleine Kursgruppen mit maximal 5-10 Teilnehmern.
  • Ihr/e muttersprachliche/r Lehrer/in geht individuell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse ein.
  • Die kommunikative Unterrichtsmethode trägt zu Ihrem schnellen Lernerfolg bei.
  • Wir sind immer für Sie da! Mit Spaß zum Erfolg. GARANTIERT!

Englisch-Intensivkurs            Montag bis Donnerstag       4 Wochen         3 Std/Tag        € 295

Englisch-Halbintensivkurs    Mittwoch und Freitag          8 Wochen          3 Std/Tag        € 295

Englisch Refresh                      jeden Freitag                      4 Wochen           4 Std/Tag        € 155

Führung durch die Staatsoper!

Wow! Was für ein spannender Nachmittag!

Am Freitag war es so weit! Wir haben die Wiener Staatsoper besucht!  Stefan Berger, ein Lehrer der DeutschAkademie, hat uns die spannende Geschichte des Gebäudes, der Architekten und des Opernballs erzählt! Wir durften sogar einen Blick hinter die Bühne werfen! Man kann es gar nicht glauben, wie riesig das Gebäude eigentlich ist! Natürlich haben wir auch ein paar Fotos für euch gemacht!


Wow! What an exciting afternoon!

On Friday we visited the state opera of Vienna! Stefan Berger, a teacher of DeutschAkademie, guided us through the building, explained the history and gave us some interesting information about the architects and the „Opernball“. We were also able to take a look behind the scenes! We could not believe how big the building actually is! Of course we took some pictures for you!

Kopie von IMG_6364

 Weitere Bilder findest du hier! Here you can find some more pictures!


Filmabend in der DeutschAkademie!


Am Mittwoch findet unser erster Filmabend in der DeutschAkademie statt!

Zusammen werden wir uns „Erbsen auf halb 6“ ansehen und danach darüber diskutieren.

Sei dabei! Wir freuen uns auf dein Kommen!


On Wednesday it is time for the first movie night at DeutschAkademie!

Together we will watch the german movie „Erbsen auf halb 6“ and afterwards we will talk about it!

Join us! We are looking forward to see you soon!

I LOVE VIENNA! //Let’s take a Night Walk in the First District!!

I love Vienna……..


Because it is a very beautiful city. Especially I like this season. The night is becoming brighter and brighter so you can enjoy the night life as well as the european style buildings with lighting up both natural and made light. If you are first time in Vienna, I definitely recommend you to take a walk in first district. Because it is awesome. Many old buildings are kept and organized nicely. There are many shops around there too.


Kärntner Straße for sure, and you can go into a small path to get to Hofburg Palace. You will see a carriage sometime and all of historic architecture that makes you feel as if you are living in the old time. Churches are nicely lighted up. I like the night walk. If you are food person and like sweet thing, you can also go down to Schwerdenplatz from the one of the mail church called Stephansdom. Over there, there are couple of cafe you can go. In Vienna, people eat many ice cream and cake so it is really worth trying!!

Our city hall is not only the roll of city hall. In front of city hall, there are often some event going on. From now on, I think there is gonna be musical and opera place that you can see famous group or people’s video with a huge screen and there are a lot of international restaurant coming there. The atmosphere is like a big night club. So it is good to check up before heading there.





Führung durch die Staatsoper!

Am Freitag ist es soweit! 

Stefan Berger, ein Lehrer der DeutschAkademie, wird mit euch einen besonderen Ausflug in die Wiener Staatsoper machen. Dort werdet ihr viel Wissenswertes über die Oper und ihre einzigartige Geschichte erfahren!

Seid dabei und lasst euch verzaubern!

Wir bitten dich rechtzeitig deinen Namen in die Anmeldeliste vor dem Front Office der DeutschAkademie einzutragen, um dir einen fixen Platz bei der Opernführung sichern zu können.

Treffpunkt:    13:45 vor der DeutschAkademie
Preis:              € 3,50 pro Person


Friday is a special day!

Stefan Berger, a teacher of DeutschAkademie, will guide you through an exciting tour and he will give you an interesting insight of the history and the building.
You will be enchanted!
We kindly ask you to sign in at the enrollment list in front of the Front Office of DeutschAkademie on time, in order to reserve a spot for the tour!

meeting point:    13:45 h in front of the DeutschAkademie
price:                    € 3,50 per person