Fun games we play in class

Hi to everyone again! I thought it would be nice to show you that learning such a difficult language as German can be much fun too!

During classes our teachers always find a way how to make studying easier and more fun for us. They come up with different games that allow us to both practice the language and at the same time relax and laugh a little bit. Some of the latest games that we had were to imagine and describe your dream house to your partner and then draw the houses as you imagine it would look like, or draw your fantasy animal and then describe it to your partner. Today we had to ask each other questions about our dream man or dream woman, which was much fun! 🙂 Also sometimes we play with the ball or dice, or move around the room doing fun activities. This way we manage to practice new vocabulary that we learn during the class and give our brain a little rest, which is really nice! 🙂

More posts to come, stay tuned!

Best wishes to all,
