Interview 1: My favorite classmate Sidra

Hello everybody, I got an idea to make short interviews with people who I know from DeutschAkademie. The first person is my favorite classmate, Sidra. We meet each other every day at school, also we managed to go once with our friends to a cinema. I admire her knowledge and determination. Meet Sidra.

Can you briefly introduce yourself?
My name is Sidra Kharita. I am 18 years old and I come from Syria. I have just got my Highschool diploma.

Why do you study the German language?
I study German because I want to study at the University of Vienna.

What do you value the most on DeutschAkademie?
DeutschAkademie provides a great and encouraging learning environment that makes learning fun and simple.

What is your current level of German language and how long you study this language?
I started with German 3 years ago only during summer vacations. I am now an A2.2 student and currently study the 4th course with DeutschAkademie.

Do you think it is important to study languages? And why?
I believe that communication is important for the growth of individuals and societies and that’s why I think that everyone should work hard to be able to speak many languages.

What are your hobbies?
Reading books and backing, especially cupcakes.
Thank you. And now, at the end of the interview, please decide for one of the following options from each category, which do you prefer the most.
German vs. English > English
Games during the lesson vs. Exercises in the book > Games
Grammar vs. Conversation > Grammar
Listening vs. Reading (during the lesson) > Listening
A mixed group of classmates vs. Classmates in your age > Mixed one