Last course day – what comes next?

Yesterday was the last session for the B1.2 Class. How did we spend it? We got our written tests back, and were able to see what we understood correct and what we could still work on, which is a good thing to do on a regular basis. We went over some more difficult topics and then we played some interesting and engaging games, to relax and have some fun.

We had a set of cards, which mainly contained 2-3 letters per card and we had to come up with a word in German that would consist of those letters, either in the beginning, middle or end. And it all happened counter clockwork, of course. The teacher was writing the words on the blackboard as we said them out loud.

Afterwards, we had a blackboard full of German words and we all worked together and made a story that contained them all – it’s really fun to read, you can check it out here.

Next week we’re starting with the following course, B2.1 and I am excited to see what comes with it. Some people will be continuing from this group, others opted for the semi-intensive course, but we’ll also have some new colleagues as well. For myself, I think I’ve made a very good choice when deciding which German School I should go with, I must say I have enjoyed the whole experience – the things learned, the atmosphere and the people. I would definitely recommend it to a friend. Keep up the good work!