My Deutschcourse

Hello to everybody, who may read it! My name is Daniyar, Ich bin …Ops, sorry, already started mixing up my English and Deutsch 🙂
So, I’m 19 years old and my Motherland is Kazakhstan, from where I arrived in Vienna a month ago. I’m here because I chose Vienna as a place where everyone can get a world level higher education. In addition to this, for me it’s very exciting to get acquainted with the new culture, and the way of life. In short, now my aim is to reach a required language level, so I can apply for a Psychology degree in Uni Wien and that’s why I’m here with Deutsch Academy.
A couple of facts about me:
1. I used to be a guy, fully sport addicted. My list of routines contained many various stuff: Karate, boxing, judo, bodybuilding ( btw I trained a lot for 3 years, but still can’t get big enough to go sideways throuh the doors)and even American football player. However now, it’s all pushed aside because of new life, I have here, but I don’t lose faith, that one day I’ll start over with my previous habits.
2. To be honest I’ve already fallen in love with this city. You can’t pass by the Parliament building and remain indifferent. Wind of history will totally touch you.
3. In childhood I wanted to be a traveller, seeker of adventures all around the world. Who knows, maybe one day that would happen 🙂

And now my current adventure is A2.1 intensive course with Deutsch Academy. Hope I will do it great, and my notes would help somebody, who may find it useful.

The journey starts here!

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