My first day at DeutschAkademie!

VON ANGELA10032014452

Today was the first German class to everybody and it was very funny. We learnt how to introduce ourselves and another person. The teacher is a very creative young woman from Vienna. She told us how to ask where are you from, where do you live, what is this, and some questions that we use frecuently living in Vienna.

We were eigth people and everybody was from different places. Italy, Spain, Japan, Rumania, Colombia, Kosovo, Kuwait and Kazakhstan was represented in this small class. Almost everybody speak english so the teacher helped us with many words that we didn´t understand because we are in the first level.

We asked and answered questions between us. It was very good because we lost fear of talking in german. The teacher gave us some gramar lessons and told us how to pronounce some vocals and the vocabulary. We spelled our names and the cities where we came from. Everybody speak in all exercises and we finished the class talking in german between us. Great! Best regards!