Neue Donau, An excellent spring outing

Lets face it, learning Deutsche can sometimes be hard work. Poor, unsuspecting students regularly  have to confront complicated, cryptic rules and more numerous, but just as baffling exceptions. The drudgery goes on, class after class, week after week, so every once in a while, the brave new Deutsch learner needs a good break from the classroom and has to head out to get some fresh air.

Fortunately, we in Wien are blessed with many scenic locations right at the doorstep of the city that make it a naturist’s paradise. The city’s Public Transport System makes many of these natural attractions so accessible, that an outdoor excursion is pretty much as easy as visiting a mall. Among the many beautiful locations that Wien boasts of, I rate Neue Donau among the best.

The U6 line takes us right to the doorstep of Neue Donau, and here, if the weather indulges you, one can take part in a plethora of activities – biking, jogging, swimming and boating or any other outdoor effort that catches your fancy. The elegantly laid out jogging trail and cycling paths right by the gleaming waters of the river and the pristine green meadows get you straight in the mood to burn some calories and if you are not ready to to sweat it out, just get you to relax by the river bank, feeding the swans and gazing at the occasional boats that traverse the waters serenely.

Another startling aspect of Neue Donau is the urban skyline that makes a contrasting backdrop to all the nature that surrounds you.  The city dweller in me is reassured by the imposing Donauturm and the Millennium tower right by all this greenery. On weekends the place is flooded with families that come out to enjoy the crispy spring weather.

Neue Donau also boasts of summer stations that serve refreshments to visitors and facilities for trampoline enthusiasts and a small football court. And if you are really fortunate, you may also encounter a couple of rare skateboarding xenophobes, who will expose you to areas of Deutsche that are generally not addressed in the classroom! If it happens to you, just take it sportingly and continue to enjoy the many great things about the place.

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