Pros and Cons

Is it really need to leave your country to get a bachelor’s degree or even a master’s? You say „Higher education abroad is prestigious.“ But what actually is prestigious?
If you think about this question, then their own pros and cons are beginning to take shape.

European Diploma is an European Diploma.
This one is recognized in more countries than domestic, and there’s no need to translate the number of read hours ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System), less worries and concerns.
And in my subjective opinion, if the employer (not from CIS) have to choose for a vacant position between two candidates: with Kazakhstan diploma or with an European Diploma, the choice will be made in favor of the latter.
While studying abroad, we are investing in the ‚real‘ education. By this we believe that for the money we get knowledge ( sometimes for really few money and even for free).

However, where are the pros there are and cons.
You will live in a different country
Not all are thinking about this one while planning to study abroad. Socialization – one of the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of foreign students. Experience shows that most citizens of the CIS after arriving in a new country immediately starting to look for an opportunity to find their compatriots to communicate in a familiar language and in the familiar environment. This one,of course, isn’t forbidden, but think about it, you made this long way to another country to continue to communicate with your compatriots? This might have done at home too.

Away from family.
Yes, nowadays we have Skype. And it helps when you are far away from home. However sometimes, homesickness can make you feel to return back home. Not everyone can withstand this.You need to know whether you can handle it or not.