Wenn ich laufe, dann bin ich glücklich

Back to school on Monday, we correct the “Hausübung” and tell each other how the weekend was (pretty standard for me, I sent out some job applications and hung out with my flatmates). Despite my focus to always write on the grammar we learnt (which is my favourite part to be honest), we have been introducing new vocabulary last week, and so we revise that. Afterwards, we learn the use of “wenn” and “dann”, which thankfully work pretty much like “weil” in a sentence.

After school I walk home all the way through the 4th and the 5th districts, to get to the 12th where I live in a very nice but tiny WG. I do the homework for tomorrow, and somehow I find the energy to go for a run around Schönbrunn. I can’t go inside because this month the garden closes really early in the evening and I’d risk remaining locked inside and meeting the famous ghost that lives in the Gloriette… ?