
\n Imprint <\/h1>\n <\/div>\n

\u201eDeutschAkademie\u201c Weiterbildungs GmbH
Opernring 1\/Stiege E
<\/span>1010 Wien<\/p>

Phone:\u00a0+43 1 585 73 13<\/a>

Commercial register number: FN 545123 b
Commercial register court: Handelsgericht Wien
Object of the company: language school, further education and conducting of management trainings
Managing Director: Patrick Grona
UID No.: ATU76228556
Chamber: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Authority according to \u00a7 5 Abs 1 Z 5 ECG: Municipal District Office for the 1st District<\/p>

\u00bb\u00a0Terms & Conditions<\/a>
Data Protection Policy<\/a><\/p>


Alternative dispute resolution<\/strong><\/p>

Information according to \u00a7 19 Abs 3 AStG (Alternative Dispute Resolution Act)<\/strong><\/p>

According to \u00a7 19 Abs 3 AStG we have to inform the consumer, if we cannot reach an agreement with him in a dispute, on paper or another durable data medium (e.g. e-mail) about the competent office for alternative dispute resolution, in the following abbreviated AS office.<\/p>

The AS offices provided for us are:<\/p>