Monthly Archives: September 2009

we keep on learning German…


Das sind Bei (links), Me (mitte), und Karine ( rechts).

In class, we have been working on perfecting the Akkusative and Nomanative.  We can use possessive articles.  Now, we are starting to put ideas together instead of having simple sentences in class all of the time.  We are learning more each day!

Gestern, ich lerne Österreich hat eine lacrosse Team!  Ich möchte spielen in dem Team.

Leisure Time



Vienna is a city where we have many facilities for all kinds of sports, particularly cycling, walking and jogging, due to the great quantity of parks and green spaces we find along the city, even during winter time. I haven’t seen so many cycles as in Vienna in my life.

I like walking in Stadt Park and Botanic Garden. During weekends, I like to go to Heurigers (typical restaurants outside the city) with my family and walking, when weather allows, in many places as Prater park, which is very big and interesting. I like also Donauinsel, (a beautiful island in the Danube River) where we can do many sports outside. During summer, people can even swim.

At home, I prefer to do yoga, particularly during weekdays, due I don’t have enough time because I am studying very hard in DeutschAkademie. During leisure time, I also like to go shopping, although we don’t have many commercial centers near my home. I live in third District, in the heart of the city.

Essen in Wien

Eating Peppers

Mein Lieblingsessen ist scharf essen.  Aber, Österreich hat kein scharfes Essen.

Karine, Bei, and I went shopping at the Nashmarkt on Saturday. Karine is a student in the class, and Bei is one of my colleagues.  After shopping, we walked around the Habsburg palace, and then went to Klosterneuburg to have dinner at a Heurigen.

Kulturprogramm 24.09.2009

Das Rote Wien und das Nationalsozialistische Wien

In diesem Programm lernen wir Wien von einer ganz anderen Seite kennen lernen als bisher. Wir werden keine prunkvollen Bauwerke sehen, welche uns an die Zeit der k.k. Monarchie erinnern sollen. Wir werden uns vielmehr mit einer sehr schwierigen und traurigen Zeit auseinander setzen – der Zeit vom Ende des ersten Weltkrieges bis ca. 1950 – und Gedenkstätten und Orte der Erinnerung besichtigen.

Das Kuturprogramm findet jeden Donnerstag Nachmittag statt und ist für Schüler der DeutschAkademie gratis!
Möchtet ihr auch außerhalb des Kurses Deutsch lernen und mehr über Wien erfahren? Habt ihr Lust, neue Freunde mit denselben Interessen zu finden?
Dann registriert euch noch heute im 3. Stock der DeutschAkademie für das Kulturprogramm!

Advancing in learning German


Yesterday was my eigth day in Deutsch Akademie and I was really excited because I learned a lot.

Until now, I have acquired more vocabulary, which includes more pronouns, nouns and adjectives. Regarding Grammar, I am able to build complete sentences, because we know more verbs and their conjugation. Now, I can distinguish the correct time of the verbs and I am improving my writing. It is incredible that I can talk more than when I came the first day, beacause we make many interactive dialogues and group activities.

In Grammar, I also know more about prepositions and adverbs. My listening also has been improved because I can understand more when my teacher and my class mates speak. Yeserday we learned to build more complete sentences with subjects, nouns, verbs, adjectives and complements.

I am very happy about my progress in German. I think that, although I have a lot of work learning in the mornings and doing homeworks in the afternoons, this was the quick and best way for advancing in the learning of this difficult language.


My Class at the DeutschAkademie


Wir haben 9 Studenten in der Klasse.  Sehen Sie die Fotos? Auf dem Foto, ich habe ein rosa T-Shirt. Die Hälfte arbeitet in der Forschung oder studiert für PhD. Elliot ist ein Musiker und Cynthia ist eine Köchin. Regina kommt aus den USA und sie ist eine Lehrerin. Arbert ist jung. Er ist 16 Jahre alt! Er ist ein Student. Am Wochenende, Ales macht Schnaps in Tschechien. Lisa ist die Lehrerin in der Klasse. Sie hat ein lila T-Shirt (auf dem Foto).



Above I have 3 photos that I took from the Hundertwasser house. The architecture is very unique, with bright colors, uneven floors, wavy lines, and trees growing out of the building!


My friends and I have explored the city quite a bit in the month that I’ve been here so far. We’ve walked to the Naschmarkt from Klosterneuburg (4 hours). It was quite a pretty walk through the vineyards. We’ve explored many Heurige. Those are my favorite places to get a bite to eat. I’ve gone through the MozartHaus and the Belvedere. My favorite part about Vienna is the Hunderwasser arcitecture.

In Deutschkurs, things are coming along. We’re learning about the Nomanativ and the Akkusativ this week. One assignment we had last week was to create a conversation from a picture. Yi and I worked together on this. We named our characters Thom and Simon. Here is their conversation:

T: Guten Tag!

S: Guten Tag, Thom.  Wie geht es Ihnen?

T: Mir geht es sehr gut, und Ihnen?

S: Es geht.  Ich bin müde.

T: Wo wohnen Sie?

S: Ich wohne in Antartika.

T: Warum sind Sie hier?

S: Ich bin ein Student.

T: Stimmt das? Wie alt sind Sie?

S: Ich bin 30 Jahre alt. Und Sie?

T: Ich bin 42 Jahre alt.

S: Auf Wiedersehen!

T: Wiedersehen!

Cultural and musical events in Vienna


Vienna is a city where you never get bored, because in all the seasons there are different cultural and musical events for enjoying.

In  autumn and winter, if you don’t like to be outside because the cold, you can visit a great amount of galleries of art, full of permanent and temporal exhibitions, which show the history of art since the Middle Ages until the modern times. For example,  last autumn, I visited Albertina for looking an exhibition of the genious Vincent Van Gogh and the Secession Museum with the enormous murals from Gustav Klimt, the Viennese precursor in the modern art. I really prefer the modern art, although the Middle Ages Art also is very interesting for me. You can also find a great quantity of this last art in churches and statues along the city. I hope to visit next autumn the Museum of History of Art and the Museum of Natural History, both located in the Ring, because I only could visit their buildings outside. Between them, there is a monument in memory of the Emperor Maria Theresa.

You cannot miss of visiting Museums Quartier, which is one of the 10 most important museums in the world, which have art of all the ages and siecles. Also the Leopold and Liechenstein Museums have interesting permanent and temporal exhibitions during all the year.

Since Vienna is the city of the music, it is easy to attend to classic and modern concerts all the year. Last winter, I could attend the concert of the famous Singer Children of Vienna in the ancient Chapel of the Imperial Palace (Hofburg) and other concert of Mozart and Strauss music, which included ballet and opera in the Imperial Summer Palace (Schönbrunn). These concerts are played all the year in convenient hours, so a busy tourist, who is visiting the city in a short time, can get a place for enjoying.

In summer, you cannot miss the Annual Movies Festival in the Rathaus (Town Hall). You can eat and drink before the exhibition of famous pictures and videos. I couldn’t attend it because I went outside Vienna with my family, for visiting various regions of Austria by car. This is another chapter of my stay in Austria that I prefer to detail it in other day.

For the lovers of opera and theater, there are many possibilities too. I don’t have time to detail them but you really will enjoy them.

And for the fanatic of pop music, there are rock and modern music concerts all the year in Rathaus (Town Hall) or in Schönbrunn. Next october it will be a mega concert in memory of Michael Jackson in Schönbrunn Palace. I am not sure if I will get a ticket for the concert, but if not, I can go to other cultural activities that are programmed for next autum and winter.

It is difficult to choose which place to go with so many posibilities, isn’t itmaria-17-09-09-2.JPG?


Meine Hobbys sind nähen, LaCrosse spielen, rennen, und Ski fahren.  Ich habe ein photo von meinem Team LaCrosse.


I like DeutschAkademie because the classes are small, and the instructor is very enthusiastic. The instructor of the class that I am taking is Lisa. I think that she is doing a fantastic job.  She must explain to us various concepts, using a limited vocabulary, as everything is new in the 1A class! Although I am living and working in an english-speaking environment, I do go out to eat. Since taking this class, I have been building my confidence for these small interactions.

Oh, my colleagues in German Course!

This is the sixth day in Deutsch Akademie and I am really happy because we met a new colleague in the Course. She is from Spain.  My other colleagues, who started the Course with me the last week, are  also from different countries and regions from the world. I will detail them by alphabetical order: Canada, Ecuador (me, sorry for writing first), Hungary, Italy, Japan, Slovenia and the United States. I could say that the female gender is imposed in the Course, due the majority (now six from nine) are women. Sorry boys!

When we made our presentation the first day, I could discover that despite the fact that we come from different countries and we have different interests and ages, all of us are learning German for integrating to the Austrian society, for studying school or University or for working.

It has been a new experience for me to meet people from different backgrounds. I am really surprised to notice that I am not shy  as I believed it and that I can make friends who have the same goals in the life and that are anxious to learn German.
