Yearly Archives: 2011

DO COme!


DO&CO is one of Vienna’s most important restaurants and catering places. It has around 3 DO&CO restaurants in the city. Let us not forget about the one from the airport. Moreover, their catering firm is super busy!

Ah, ja. I heard that they have also an on board chef. What does that mean? This means that they hire a chef that is flying with the board crew (I actually think he/she is part of that board crew) and cooks exactly there, on board. So the passengers of the plane have freshly baked and warm food offered. How great is that?

I like DO&CO very much! Can’t wait to go again!


ISS stays in Vienna


OK, this is the last entry about the space exhibition from the Unitated Nations Organisation. The fact is that I liked it so much (no, I actually loved it!!) that I cannot stop telling  you about it. : – )

So let’s go on with the story.  At this space exhibition from the Unitated Nations Organisation, among many other  things,  there was this one as well. What is this? Is the International Space Station (ISS), the one that is out there into space. Exactly the same one that receives  the NASA’s Space Shuttle when it takes off and leaves the Earth.

Lovely, just lovely!


Space satellite in Vienna


We go on with this Unitated Nations Organizations space exhibition that I visitated last month.

I spent a lot of time there trying to understand what this piece of metal was. In the end realised that  it was a satellite. That’s how it looks like! It is sooooooooo full of them around our planet. I think they are around 2 millions or something like that.

I forgot to ask whether this was its natural. It was kinda little so I don’t know. I wish it was in natural size so I could be happy to see with its entire characteristics.

As said, I do want to go and see the exhibition again. Will ask then!


Flags, me, flags


Please check the picture again! Yes, I am there! 😀 I wear a red blouse, blue jeans and a brown jacket. It’s a challenge to find me, I know.  : – )

This picture was taken at United Nations headquarters ( U1 ) here in Vienna one or two months ago. I was there with a friend of mine.  We visited the most popular places, the library and the exhibitions available. It was great!!

In the following posts of mine you can find many information and also pictures from the space exhibition.

See you soon!  : – )


Some pictures


Ever since I have started my German lectures at Detusch Akademie, I noticed these pictures sticked on the main  hall way, at the main entrance, next to the reception entrance.

In the beginning I thought this kind of pictures are changed daily or weekly or, maybe, monthly. However, it was not like this. I think they will actually be changed in the moment when the quality will so be so fantasic anymore. You know that time affects everything .

I, personally, think it’s a great idea to personalize the hall way. In this way, students will feel German language close in an advanced way.


Prieteni de ieri? De azi?


Cu ocazia acestor cursuri de la Deutsch Akademie am cunoscut multa luma. Foarte multa lume as zice, chiar. In fiecare luna mi-am facut prieteni noi. Intrebarea intrebatoare din acest articol se refera la persoanele care au ramas. Care sunt persoanele care merita sa faca parte din viata mea? Care sunt persoanele pe care merita sa le vezi si sa iesi la o cafea?

M-am uitat peste mai multe poze pe care le-am facut de-a lungul lunilor si cu bucurie pot spune ca am adunat o gramada pe prieteni. : – ) Cred ca sunt printre norocosi, nu?

THE Anna Netrebko


OK, I must say that since I have moved to Vienna and participated in last summer’s Film Festival, I fell in love with classical music. I think I told you this already. So this visit at the Opera at its day of the Opening Doors event, was a huge event for me. I was very much looking forward and hoping to spot some VIP of the classical area.

I did not see anyone, but I saw Anna Nertebko’s changing room. THE Anna Nertebko, the Russian star! I was so happy, I made so many pictures and looked around very well, not to forget something. 😀

My favourite role of her was in Manon, Wiener Opern 2007. She was excellent!


DO, a deer, a female deer…


While visiting the Day of the Opened Doors in the Opera from Vienna, I also visited the chorus room. You can see it in the picture.

As far as I realized, the room is very old (just like the building, actually), it has enough place for a huge number of the chorus group and it also has a very good acoustic. Another great thing about this room is that it is placed in the last floor of the building. That happens because an opera chorus can be very loud and the Administration didn’t want to disturb the people from the street or surroundings. Well thought, I must admit!

Unfortunately, there was no one singing there. I would have appreciated to hear someone live.


Cenusareasa?… Unde e?…


Tot din „excursia” mea de la Opera, mai exact de la Ziua Portilor Deschise de anul acesta, vreau sa va mai arat ceva: PANTOFII CENUSARESEI! Erau pe scena, alaturi de alte exponate: o coroana, niste clape, etc. etc.

Nu prea mi-a venit sa cred, dar dupa ce am citit descrierea, m-am lamurit. Erau pantofii Cenusaresei.  I-am luat in mana, m-am uitat la ei,.. Foarte frumosi! Erau cam grei pentru dansat, dar cu o rochie frumoasa si o stare buna de spriit, nu mai conta nimic! : – )

Am plecat fericita ca am vazut si m-am jucat cu pantofii Cenusaresei. Sper sa-i aduca si la anul!


Candelabrul de la Opera


Sunt convinsa ca in multe dintre articolele mele anterioare v-am spus despre dragostea mea pentru candelabre. Nu orice fel de candelabre! Stiti voi! Din acelea maaaaaaaaaaari, foarte mari, acelea din palate, acelea imperiale, de dimensiuni regale. Nu ma intrebati de ce, pentru ca nu stiu. Poate ca sunt un punct de atractie pentru ca sunt fata, dar… nu m-as baza pe argumentul acesta.

Ce vreau sa scot in evidenta aici este candelabrul de la Opera din Viena. ESTE ENORM!!! Este absolut extraordinar! Observati va rog in poza.  E asa de mare si asa de atractiv, incat in pauza spectacolului nici nu trebuie sa te ridici de pe scaun. Doar te uiti in sus.  😀