Dativ, Akkusativ, and a big headache

It’s day 3 of my 2022 DeutschAkademie adventure and it’s a tough topic today: Wechselpräpositionen. It was hard enough to learn the articles in “Dativ” and “Akkusativ”, and to remember that with these prepositions (an, neben, zwischen…) the dativ was required (we did this in A1.2). But now we have to use them with akkusativ too? But in a different situation and with different verbs? German is really a challenge 🙂 Between the thousand rules and the exceptions and the very illogical things that you have to learn by heart…. the good thing is that actually having class every day helps a lot. Even if you wanted to forget something you wouldn’t be able to.

One thing I really like about this course is the homework: weird right? we try to escape them all our school years and now I enjoy them. They actually only take 10-15 minutes. But they are extremely good to see if you’ve understood the new rules and to memorize the new words without having to learn them by heart from a list. Plus we usually get a very small written assignment which we then give to the teacher who brings it back the next day. I’m usually very confident that what I wrote is correct, but when the corrected version comes back.. Let’s just say I’m here to learn ?