A new excited day in DeutschAkademie


 This day was again very excited in Deutsch Akademie. I am learning German because it will be very useful for me in the High School. I need it for improving my studies and for my future career in Foreign Languages that I hope to take in the University. I chose DeutschAkademie because it is very near from home and it offers good prices for everyone.The courses have small groups and are intensive, very convenient for learning German quickly. German is a difficult language for people as me. My mother tongue is Spanish and that’s why I have more difficulties, but learning it at full time it will be easier for me to learn it in a short term. My schedule also is very convenient in the morning that my mind is fresh for getting new vocabulary, grammar and so on. I am very comfortable in this Akademie. People are very polite and they always are helping us in our questions and problems.