Birthday party during a break

On the 2nd to last day, the german class at DeutschAkademie was going as usual. We were flying through material, time concept disappears all together during the class. We started with going over some of the questions we had for the exam we took last week. Our very knowledgable teacher, Ulrike Strigl, provided us with an exam structure that is pretty interesting. We are required to create a narrative for a given situation. This forces the students to think and construct a story rather than just memorise vocabulary. While at first it was difficult, as time went on, the writing significantly improved material retention.

The class was progressing as usual, until our normal break. A few minutes break to get some coffee/water or use the restroom. While this break was slightly different. One of the students, Rima, had a birthday today. For the first time, our break became a small and short birthday party. The cake was included as well as other snacks.

The cake was delicious, photos do not give it justice. I haven’t had an opportunity to eat breakfast, so for me it was a unique breakfast meal. As you can see the plates and the forks with birthday theme were ready and definitely used. After a unison „Happy Birthday“ song, we continued with the class. The birthday girl was happy and so was the rest of the class. With plenty of snacks and available for the rest of the class, it was a fun filled class setting.