
Soo…if you didn’t already notice in my photo from the previous post, I’ve got a metal straw…a.k.a. I’m a little bit of an eco-nerd. Something that I’ve noticed the past few months is the copious amount of disposable coffee cups floating around the DeutschAkademie. And believe me, coffee is a necessity for me to stay awake during my 8:30am class, but he’re a pro-tip: just a swift walk from the DeutschAkademie, in the Karlsplatz U-Station, you’ll find a Ströck bakery. At Ströck they have a resuable mug program where you get a discount off of every cup of coffee you buy with your travel mug, AND you can get a stamp card where your 10th cup is free! I’m also positive that the Starbucks in the Karlsplatz station also gives you a discount when using your travel mug. If you don’t own a travel mug, can I suggest a KeepCup from Ströck? I recently bought my third one (sadly, I left my others in Canada) and I have nothing but positive reviews. I mean…come on, how cool are the colours?!


So let’s just say you’re taking German classes at DeutschAkademie from A1 all the way to C2. That’s 12 months of classes; and you buy a coffee every day before class. Five classes a week = Five coffees a week; 20 coffees a month; 240 coffees for the whole year. If you swapped disposable cups with one reusable one, you just saved 240 cups from going into the trash!