My German? Good Enough…. for Theatre?

Let me be clear first, I am currently in A2.1, and for thouse who are not sure about that level of proficiency, I just learned adjective conjugation for different nouns and cases. So, like the title of my post, is my German good enough? Well, last weekend, I had an opportunity to test it out.

img_7818Last Saturday, I went to Kurztheater in Liesing (for the first time). I initially decided to go to this one over other theater options given because this one is supposedly a musical theater (not musical apparently). Before going to the venue, I had heard nothing of what it is about or how it is structured. The venue was located in an old coffin factory, and the festival consisted of a number of small pieces with a musical events at the main stage, as you can see in the picture.

I was delightfully surprised for how much I understood! Also, German theater language is a lot similar to that of English, so I had less problem understanding.

Next weekend and the weekend after, MIMAMUSCH-10 Jahre Festival fur Kurztheater in Liesing (Sat and Sun) is still going on. The event starts at 20:00 until 4:00. The venue is very unusual and the tickets are affordable as well. Mine (student price) was 19 euros, and you can find more information here ( There are pieces dialogue oriented, which may be more difficult for A.2 level students to understand, but there are many pieces that are musical and performance- oriented. So if you are not doing anything this weekend, why not experience this modern theater?