Giant shoe with shoes



This is a little story about my a thought of mine, while spending some time in Stephans Platz.

I was walking around and  I have seen this shop. Shop for girls, of course. I cannot tell you exactly its location, because I am not a GPS. 😛 However, I can tell you that if you walk from Stephans Dome to Donau chanel, you can find it on the left hand side.

Many shoe shops have their shoes nicely arranged on shelves with the prices on. This is a special shoe shop! I am saying that, because… who has this idea? To arrange shoes on a giant shoe!? I looooooove it!  To be honest with you, I would also welcome such a thing in my hall way.

A giant shoe with shoes! How cool is that?

As for the other articles in the window,… I am sorry. :-< No one notices you anymore, because of the fantastic giant shoe with shoes.

Ah, I love it so much! I think I shall go again next week to see it at least. 🙂 🙂 🙂