Jetzt kommen die Holländer!


Hello everyone!

My name is Nicole and I’m a 25 year old girl from the Netherlands. This is the first time I’ll write a blog and I’m very excited to keep my family, friends, and all the people who are interested in learning German at the Deutschakademie in Vienna updated about my progress and experiences in Vienna! Two days ago I started with my German course at level B2. I have a very nice mixed group with all young people and a very energetic teacher called Sandra. We started off quite fast with speaking and writing. For me it had been 8 years since the last time I had spoken or learned any German, so the course level is very challenging for me.

I am in Vienna since about 6 weeks now. The reason why I am in Vienna is because I really like the city (except for the many mad drivers and the huge amount of cars) and because I have an Austrian boyfriend since almost a year now. I met him last summer in Budapest during a student trip organised by AEGEE. In the Netherlands I have studied at Tilburg University. Because I finished my studies there last April I had time to come to Vienna for a German course and see if I like the city and my boyfriend enough 😉 to stay here for a longer time period than just short visits. Fortunately I have found myself a place to live where I can stay as long as I want to.

You might wonder where the expression  ‚Jetzt kommen die Holländer‘ (also ‚Jetzt kommen die Tschechen‘ or any other nationality) comes from. It is a modernised version of ‚Jetzt kommen die Kamele‘ (has its origin in the first World War) and often used by supporters of football matches when they expect troubles. Just some interesting fact to end this first entry with!

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About Nicole

Hallo, ich bin Nicole, 25 Jahre alt und ich komme aus die Niederlande, wo ich studiert habe in Tilburg. Ich wohne seit ein Monat in Wien, weil ich ein Österreichische Freund habe. Jetzt mache ich ein Deutschkurs um mein Deutsch zu verbessern.