Learn German with the Euro Cup 2012

Perhaps you are not a super football fan like me, but now is the Euro Cup 2012 and it means that now is the time for football! Think about that in a positive way considering how to improve your German. You can find in the city so many places where you can watch a match, in German of course. All the newspapers talk about the prevoius and the next match, so you already know the context and that could help you to understand the text.

But if you are a real football fan there is an special offer for you ,,EM in der DeutschAkademie: Wortschatz & Sprachpraxis für alle Fuβballbegeisterten’’.  This event will take place today from 18:00 to 20:00 at ,,schrittesser SPECK&BAR” (Reichsratsstraβe 11, 1010 Vienna). There you can learn and practice all what you need!