Yearly Archives: 2017

Sprechen, sprechen, sprechen

The number one thing to improve in a new country is the language spoken there. It helps you from everyday situations, from the supermarket, or the doctor’s office, or making social contacts and friends, to having better job prospects and so on. It’s a crucial aspect of living in Vienna, as I’m sure everyone reading this blog is aware of, and it’s what we’re all working so hard toward – fitting in here, whether we are just staying for a few months, or wanting to make a life here.

When I hear stories of people that have moved in a foreign country, and have been living them for 5-10-20 years without learning the language, I am a bit amazed. It feels, to me, a bit like living in a bubble and talking only your native language, without exposing yourself to all the wonderful new things a new culture has to offer, particularly the Viennese culture, here in question.

For me, Deutschakademie has been wonderful, because it has given me the first environment and the courage to talk – flawed, and very possibly with many mistakes – but talk nonetheless. Even though rationally I knew this was a better alternative than not talking, I felt very self-conscious, especially when it came to talking with native speakers. But little by little, I grew more confident, I learned to accept that unless I’m willing to make mistakes while speaking, I’m never going to overcome them. And I think it’s how many of the students here feel as well.

Yesterday I managed to capture a moment between two colleagues, conversing in German during the break. You can see even from the picture that they were very engaged, and their faces lit up as they found common ground to talk about. I thought to myself how nice it is that speaking is able to bring people together like that, and how much easier it is to learn German in a German speaking country, as opposed to a class done back in my hometown, for instance, which felt more like a hobby.

New class, new opportunities!

Yesterday was the first day of B2.2 class. Same fuss on the corridors, same fresh faces everywhere, same helpful people by the Information Office. New colleagues in the class, most of which have already done another Deutschakademie class, some new altogether, but the group made me a good impression from the first day.

I could tell, by the way they introduced themselves, and how we talked to one another that first day, that their speaking level is generally a bit higher than mine, which makes me happy because it means I have much to learn from them.

We did some get-to-know you games, all very fun and interactive, and then got a short test, to reiterate some of the things we should know by now. Then we played a round of BINGO, which means we got a sheet of paper with questions on it, which we had to ask the others, and when all the questions were answered you shouted ‘BINGO’ and won the game.

I have to say, I am excited to see what this class brings!


Tips for learning – the post-it method

A few weeks ago, during a class at DeutschAkademie, our teacher gave us a tip for learning new words. This is a pretty interactive and fun way to do it, and I thought I’d share it with all of you.

I think it’s also called the Sherlock Holmes Method. Here it goes: you write the new words on post-its, and then, like a major detective, you start spreading out through the classroom (or house, works just as well at home).

You try to make associations, either with the meaning of the word and the nearby objects, or just to locate it within the room and to make yourself a mind-map with which word goes where. At start, I’d recommend you start with a few words, maybe five, but as you progress, you can up the number and have your room eventually covered in post-its. Ok, kidding, but you got the jest.

So, for example, the word ‘Strom’ could go next to the electrical outlet, or ‘Umweltproblem’ could go next to a map of the globe. I put up ‚Verkehr‘ next to a squibbly painting, because that’s how I associated it in my mind. Does it make sense to you? Give it a try the next time you have a long list of vocabulary words to learn, which you can break down in manageable bits and go through them 5-10 at a time. Good luck!

Wiener Würstelstands

Today I’m gonna talk about a quite typical and beloved Viennese landmark – these Wiener Würstelstands that seem to be everywhere throughout the city. Normally, they’re found in high-key spots throughout the city (see, for instance, the one in the photo near the Wiener Staadsoper) and are very popular when it comes to grabbing a bite on the go, a quick snack in between classes and some are even open late into the night – the go-to food option for after a night clubbing.

What types of sausages can you find throughout the city? A LOT!
There’s Frankfurter, Debreziner, Käsekrainer, huge Käsekrainer, Bratwurst and Currywurst, Waldviertler, Käsekrainer, Frankfurter, Burenwurst, a spicy Burenwurst and Waldviertler, Debreziner to go with bread or a roll or in a Hot Dog. There is also a wide variety of sauces to go with them, sometimes even including soy or vegetable sausages for vegetarians.

Try not to be overwhelmed by the different options out there, and instead try out as many as you can, over time, and determine which specialty appeals to you more. I’m sure that you can end up saying ‘Today I’d be more in the mood for Käsekrainer, but maybe a spicy Burenwurst is in sight for tomorrow’.

The stands typically have a selection of drinks – soft drinks, beer – to compliment your snacking experience. They say you can’t visit Vienna without trying a Würstelstand, and there’s a reason for that! So enjoy, and let us know in the comments below what you thought!

Last day of class – congrats to all!

Yesterday was the last class day from the B2.1 Module. Honestly, I don’t even know when the time flew by! I was chatting in the break with a few colleagues and they were of the same opinion that a month goes by so fast. It was also a nice, relaxed last day atmosphere, and we were talking about what each of us will be doing next, vis-à-vis German learning.

Some people, such as myself, are going further with the B2.2 class, which starts on Monday, some are taking a short break or thinking about half-intensive classes at Deutschakademie. I liked that our teacher also put together a few possibilities for bettering our German.

We can use the DeutschAkademie app, or opt for a Konversation Kurs, or Konversation Klub. We can also seek to read Austrian newspapers and magazines, for instance – Deutsch Perfekt, a monthly magazine which has texts in all levels – beginner, intermediate and advanced.

There are many things that you can try to improve your German level, I think it’s important that you keep going, because consistency is key, and include a bit of German learning in your everyday routine. Little by little, you will see improvements, for instance today in the car I was surprised that I could suddenly understand what they were saying on the radio!

Thanks DeutschAkademie, and see you soon!

Oral presentations

At yesterday evening’s class, we had the oral presentations. This meant that each one of us has prepared a 10 minute presentation, on a medium of our choice. Most of my classmates chose to do powerpoint, although word, prezi or posters would also have been possible.

The point of this is to learn to express ourselves in German, and to make a clearly structured speech, over a topic of our choosing. I think it’s nice we get to pick the theme, because in this way we are able to speak about something we are passionate about, or that we enjoy, and share it with the class!

Yesterday we learned about Iran, Peru, Spain, Bioluminescence, Halal Food, Internet of things and other interesting topics. It was very fun to see a little bit of the world where the other class participants come from, or to learn about their hobbies and passions. And even though I am sure I made plenty of mistakes while speaking, it was a good experience, and one we all should definitely repeat as often as we can, as with each presentation we get better.


Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen: fun way to learn them

So last week we started learning about Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen (Noun-verb connections), which, when you get to B2.1, will see is a long list of items right at the back of the book. Uff! Some are quite intuitive, while others need a bit of getting used to.

There are two types of Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen, ones whose meaning is very similar to the noun in the sentence, so sort of like a verb turned into a substantive, for instance: Interesse wecken für = jmd. interressieren für. The second type is a bit more tricky, because the meaning has nothing to do with the words in the expression, as in unter Druck stehen = gestressed sein.

Since they are quite a long list to remember all at once, our teacher prepared for us a very fun game. She made little cards, on which she separated the verbs from the nouns, so that we would puzzle them back together, and review the list of expressions at the same time. After we put all the pieces back together, she would come by and check that we did the match correctly. Then each of us had to make up five questions, including the expressions we had just reviewed and go around and ask other members of the group, in a fun interactive speaking game.

The Eistraum – Skating at the Rathaus

Along with the cold season, comes a beloved tradition in Vienna – putting together the skating rink and connecting alleys at the Rathausplatz. The skating area is huge, and there are also places where you can get a snack or a hot beverage, while you rest a bit, and enjoy the spinning skaters.

There are lights and beautiful decorations around, and you can’t help but feel that cozy wintery feel while you’re having fun with friends or your special someone. The admission price for adults is 7.50 €, and if you want to rent your skates there, it is an additional 7 €.

Keep a lookout, cause The Eistraum opens on 17.11.2017, and is at your skating disposal until 4.03.2018. Have fun and see you out there!

The Giant Pandas

Vienna has plenty of rare sights, but perhaps none cuter than the Giant Pandas found in Schönbrunn Zoo. They became part of the zoo in 2003, as a symbol for the friendship between China and Austria, after many negotiations and planning.

Wondering where you can find them? The panda enclosure is very close to the zoo’s main entrance. After the ticket barrier, go straight ahead and look to your left. There’s a large outdoor area, so you can’t miss it. You might, however, find them in the same exact place three hours later, if you catch them in an inactive period.

I first saw them last summer, on a trip to the zoo, but would gladly see them again anytime!

Austrian Airlines

First contact I’ve had with Austria, even before actually stepping foot in the country, was with Austrian Airlines, the airline group that’s flown me safely in Vienna every time. I enjoy their service and how they treat customers, as well as hearing the German language around me.

Austrian occupies a leading position in Austria’s aviation industry, and since 2009 it has become a part of Lufthansa. One aspect that I felt gave a differentiation was the fact that they played classical music on board, when you boarded the plane. So after standing in line for a while, or lugging your baggage around and all the other stress related to travel, you would waltz in, as smiling faces greeted you. It was always a nice feeling for me and am looking forward to my next Austrian flight.

Maria Theresien Platz

Just north of the Hofburg, you can find the Maria Theresien Platz, a square that was created in the 19th century. In the middle of the square there is a huge monument of the Empreress, in whose memory it was named Maria Theresien Platz.

After doing a bit of research, as well as after a visit to Schönbrunn, I found out that Maria Theresa was an Austrian archduchess, and Holy Roman Empress of the Habsburg Dynasty. She reigned from 1740 to 1780 and was also mother to Marie Antoinette, of which you may have heard as being the last Queen of France before the French Revolution.

Maria-Theresien-Platz is bordered by two majestic museum buildings, which mirror each other: Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Fine Arts) and Naturhistorisches Museum (Museum of Natural History), which I already told you about in a previous article. They are both constructed in neo-Renaissance design with large domes, very pleasing to the eye and attractive for tourists.

The area in between the two museums is inviting and quite exquisite, consisting of formal gardens, statues, fountains and nature, at the center of which stands the colossal monument. The day I visited it for the first time, even though it was pretty cold and rain clouds were threatening, it was such a serene atmosphere, children laughing, families spending time together, street artisans playing with huge bubbles. Quite lovely, don’t you think?
