Author Archives: Ivona Costan

Even Kings make Mistakes…Test day

Today was a big day for us. We had the possibility to test our German knowledge :), but until tomorrow we don’t know the answers. Anyway, I am confident I did good, maybe two or three mistakes, but all in all I think it was fine.

In the second part of the class, for one hour, we had a 3 pages test, covering all the subjects we’ve learned, both vocabulary and grammar.

What I want to tell you about, is not so much about our test, but the fact that is normal to have a couple of mistakes, or not to be sure about a word or a grammar rule.

What this post is about? Is about the possibility of not having the highest grade. And, I want to show you, one picture of the Emperor Franz Joseph Italian test, where you will be able to observe something, but what?

Two weeks ago, the National Library had an open day tour for their State Haal. There I had the possibility to take a picture of the Franz-Joseph half yearly exam, in Italian. As you can see in the picture, even the emperor had some mistakes… So, if the Emperor of Austrian, had mistakes at his Italian test, then is totally normal for us to have some mistakes too, and not to complain about it.




Learning a new language is a challenge, and maybe you don’t have your best day for test, or maybe you don’t like a subject, no problem… you will sure have enough time to study and learn German while you leave in Vienna.

Don’t quit studying, German is hard language, but with lots of work and exercises, you will master it! And with the Deutsch Akademie help, the entire process will be much more easier.

Good luck!

Meine Freunde während des Deutschkurses

Während des gesamten Deutschkurses hatte ich zwei Freunde, die jedes Mal zu mir gestanden sind.

Der erste Freund is mein Fahrrad. Mein Fahrrad ist jeden Tag bei mir. Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule.


Ich habe vor zwei Jahren gelernt, wie man Fahhrad fährt. Weil ich in Wien bin, kann ich es Tag für Tag genießen. Weitere Kollegen von mir, und auch die Lehrer, kommen mit ihren Fahrrädern zum Kurs. Die Deutsch Akademie von Mariahilferstraße is an einem guten Ort. Viele Radwege sind in der Nähe und vor der Deutsch Akademie gibt es ein paar Fahrradständer.

Wien ist eine freundliche Stadt für Radfahrer. Wenn Sie es mögen oder lieben, ihr Fahrrad zu fahren, sollen Sie es zu Ihrer Gewohnheit machen, überallhin zu fahren.

Der zweite Friend ist mein Radiergummi.


Ich mag alle Sachen. Ich liebe Eulen und ich mag rosa. Als ich im Laden meinen Radiergummi gesehen habe, habe ich gewusst, dass ich ihn haben muss. Und jetzt ist er mein Freund in der Not. Ich schreibe mit dem Bleistift im Buch und wenn ich falsch liege… mein Freun (die Rosa Eule) ist bei mir.

Das sind zwei liebe Objekte für mich, die mich während des Deutschkurses begleiten.

Wo sind Ihre Freunde in der Not während Ihres Deutschkurses?

Ein Kollege in Not

An einem der anderen Tage haben wir gelernt, wie kann man eine Eßmail schreiben. Ich werde versuchen eine E-mail an einen Kollegen yu schreiben, die im Kurs fehlt.


Lieber X, oder

Sehr geehrte X,

Wie war dein Tag?

Ich schreibe, was wir im Kurs gemacht.


Im ersten Teil prüften wir über unsere Hausübung. Danach sprechen wir über Sollen-Modalverb und wir haben einige Übung gemacht.

Nachher haben wir eine neue Lektion begonnen; Lektion 19 Der had doch keinen Bauch! Ab Seite 41 in Kursbuch.

Wir hatten auch eine Leseübung, fur Ö und Ü. Sie können der Text an diese E-mail angehängt finden.


Später lernen wir das Präteritum.

Wir haben sein und haben Verbem gelernt.

Damit Sie verstehen, wie man sein oder haben verwendet, das sind die Regeln:

Ich bin + Adjektiv
Ich war Im Park
    Auf dem Berg


Ich habe + Nomen
Ich hatte


Wir haben die ersten und zweiten Übungen ab Seite 54 in Arbeitsbuch gemacht.

Als Hausübung haben wir die Übung 6 auf Seite 55 in Arbeitsbuch.


Ich hoffe, ich kann ihnen helfen. Einem scönen Abend.


Ivona (Dein Name)


Wenn wir eine Nachricht schreiben, haben wir 3 Teile:

  1. Die Einführung, für due Begrüßung
  2. Die Nachricht mit Details und Informationen
  3. Das Ende.

Die Einführung und EndeSätze sind gut bekannt. Sie können in jeder anderen Nachricht verwendet werden.

Online German Course with Deutsch Akademie

Did you knew that Deutsch Akademie offers you the possibility to take some German lessons online?

Nothing easier, you go to their website, and on the left side you will find the “Free online German course”. From here you can select your language level and what do you need or want. You want some vocabulary lessons or just grammar exercises? You will find them all here.

My advice is to also create an account. In this way, you will know what you’ve done and what not.

What is also really useful is that for the grammar exercises, at the end, they also indicate the right answer. In this way, you’ll be able to auto correct yourself, and see which grammar sections need some improvement.

You also have the possibility to choose from which book your want your exercises or on which subject.


Another big plus for them is that you can find the lessons and exercises on your mobile. It doesn’t matter if you are an iPhone lover or an Android lover. Deutsch Akademie is prepared for both.

Try their online course, and improve your German while you have some spare time.

Good luck!

Last days of summer (2)

Yesterday I was talking about the Vienna swimming pools, and I hope it helped you in this very sunny last Saturday of August. In this post I will give you another hint, on what to do for tomorrow… Hiking around Vienna.

Hiking has a very long tradition in Vienna, and you will see a lot of people on this paths, from the younger ones to the bigger or older ones. In this period of the year, some popular destinations also include the Heurigen (wine tavern) and their many vineyards, but also the Vienna Woods.

If you will hike to one Heurige you will have the possibility to drink the house wine, enjoy some delicious food, but most important you will find some of the best views.

Vienna is offering 9 city hiking paths. They are well signposted and accessible by public transport. They are properly kept and secured regularly, disposing of a high level of infrastructure for your convenience. There are children’s playgrounds along the way, as well as picnic tables and seating with fabulous views or nearby wood glades.

All the hiking paths are available in English, and can be found on

My pictures are from the hiking path 1 to Kahlenberg :D.

Have a great Sunday!C360_2016-08-15-12-41-19-941 C360_2016-08-15-13-09-05-833

Last days of summer

End of August is close but the sun is still shining and inviting us to different outdoor activities. Considering that you have already done your Hausübung, then you should go out and enjoy some sun.

In the current article I will tell you some things about the Vienna public swimming pools.

The vast majority of baths were built in the inter-war period and following implementation of the 1968 public bath concept. The latter provided for 14 pools to be built within a seven year period. Investment volume at the time was approximately 500 million Austrian Schillings. A number of district pools, both indoor and outdoor, were built in the course. The district indoor pool programme (part of the public bath concept) was based on investigations on each pool’s catchment area. Thus, many pools were built in densely built-up areas such as Simmering, Brigittenau, Döbling or Donaustadt. In Vienna, because of its amazing bath architecture, baths and culture were often closely linked.

The Viennese are spoilt for choice, with about 50 public swimming pools (outdoors and indoors) and plenty of other bathing areas: ponds and small lakes, streams and backwaters – some popular, others less well-known. All of them offer plenty of greenery and good water quality thanks to constant monitoring. Vienna also offers a surprisingly wide range of water sports facilities.

For the nature lovers, there are two types of natural bathing areas in Vienna. First, the traditional lidos on the Alte Donau with admission charges, like theGänsehäufel, Stadlau and Bundesbad Alte Donau, offer shaded grass areas, changing cabins, showers and toilets as well as snack bars or restaurants. Alternatively, there are some more or less well-known natural sites without infrastructure that cost nothing to use. Most of these sites are on the Neue and Alte Donau (New and Old Danube). The City of Vienna offers an online service showing the water quality and temperature even of the smaller ponds and streams.

So… what are you waiting for? Take your swimsuit and find the nearest swimming pool. The sun is still up and is waiting for you!!!


I saw ,,La Vie en Rose „

Yes, I saw ,,La vie en rose“ with Marrion Cotillard. And I was delighted.

la-vie-en-rose-1Even though currently I’m studying German, French is one of my weaknesses, put on a pedestal somewhere since middle school, to say the primary (when I started to study it). Although seemingly complicated at first, French language seems among the most melodic, sensual and expressive languages with which I crossed paths before.

Edith Piaf is also one of my greatest weaknesses due Voice, French, lyrics occurrence.

The biographies also hold a deserved place among the films that I like. As much as I like, so later on I saw ,,La Vie en Rose“, a sort of masterpiece through biographies screened.

Although I knew part of the story, the film has completed the rich ones I knew about Édith Piaf or La bait as it is known. Abandoned the original mother, then father, abused by this love story that marked her, the accident that was to decide the next years of his life, as has been discovered, turmoil inside colossal friends, – all these film portrays key moments in the life of the singer. And do not portray any way, but through Marrion Cotillard shining and moves as only she could do it.

Cotillard does a momenumental role, with which he won numerous awards (Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role – Oscar, Best Performance By An Actress in a Motion Picture – Golden Globes, etc.) and conquered many hearts.

,,La Vie en Rose“is a struggle of a music legend, a roller coaster life story of Edith Piaf, ascension to the heights of knowledge and recognition, psychology, acting and playing perfectly fine. I never forget the black humor, found in marked moments of the nearly two hours, stories songs (which I always conquer) and Paris sent beyond the screen through each word.

I do not know what I would criticized, after passing through the filter of this production and its subject as much as I was trying to find flaws. Still I think there are still mentally rewind a few scenes still hear them at Foula and Graseierea specific emotions still feel her first performances in front of a large audience.

Here you have one of her song:

Learning alternatives

I imagine that most of the readers of this blog are learning or willing to learn German. When learning German an important place is occupied by practice… Here we have the grammar exercises and speaking/ hearing the language from native speakers.

For the speaking part of our practice, the people from Agenda Alsergrund created the “German language café”, where people can practice the language with native speakers.

This Thursday, from 5pm to 7pm is their first meeting and everybody is invited to “Sprachcafe”.

The cafe is meant to offer an alternative to the normal language classes by creating a relaxed coffeehouse atmosphere for learning German.

What is even more interesting and attractive for me (which I am at the A1.2. level) is that no previous knowledge of German is necessary, and you can just pop into the language café every two weeks. And all this, for free. Here is the schedule for the next couple of weeks.


Liette Clees from Agenda Alsergrund said that “Actually everyone is invited to come by the Sprachcafe. There is the possibility to practice the German language or of course to also offer your German language ability to others.”

This is a great idea, if you ever want to enjoy a coffee and learn German in a non-formal way you could make them a visit. Or even more, take your colleagues from Deutsch Akademie and spend some free time together while improving your German skills.

The address for the Sprachcafe is Café der VHS Alsergrund im Erdgeschoβ, Galileigasse 8, 1090.

Wo ist die Deutsch Akademie von Mariahilferstraße?

Letzte Woche haben wir gelernt, wie wir einer Person helfen können, einen Ort zu finden.

Heute werde ich versuchen und erklären wo die Deutsch Akademie von Mariahilferstraße ist.

Die Deutsch Akademie von Mariahilferstraße ist in der Zieglergasse 6, in der Nähe von Mariahilferstraße.

Sie kommen mit:

  1. U3 bis zur Station Zieglergasse, und dann gehst du geradeaus auf der Zieglergasse. In 50m, aud der rechten seite steht das Deutsch Akademie Gebäude.14075085_1241429892542343_77011687_o 14087676_1241429929209006_2060291448_o
  2. Von Westbahnhof, zu Fuß. Du gehst geradeaus auf der Mariahilferstraße. Hier sind viele Geschäfte links und rechts. Aber, neben dem C&A Geschäfte, die nächste Straße, bieg du links ab. Dann, in 50m auf der rechten seite steht das Deutsch Akademie Gebäude.

Die Sprachschule Öffnungzeiten sind: Montag – Freitag: 9 – 12 Uhr & 13 – 15:30 Uhr

Du kannst sie auf Facebook unter dem Name Deutsch Akademie Zieglergasse finden.

Reservier deinen Platz in der Deutsch Akademie Zieglergasse!

Discovering Vienna

I have almost one year in Vienna, but this doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy long walks on the Danube or finding new places.

Last week, in a sunny morning but a rainy afternoon, I decided to go and have an ice cream on Donau Kanal with one of my best friends.

We had the ice-cream part and a short walk… but the weather decided not to let us enjoy our walk. Wind started, and slowly slowly we were feeling raindrops on our body. Because we haven’t seen each other for like two months, nothing could stop us to stay together and recover the time we were not having the possibility to talk so much.

As I said, discovering new places gives you a really good feeling, but when the place is one which belongs to history then is extraordinary.

Griechenbeisl was our host that day and we had no idea how it will going to be, or which is the history of the place. From the entrance we were welcomed by low ceilings and winding cave – like halls and rooms. There are framed pictures of the outside of the restaurant from hundreds of years ago. What is impressive is that today looks almost the same.


Personally, I loved the character and sense of fun and boldness of their serving staff. They made us feel like princesses. Even though is a restaurant and we had just 2 cappuccino’s, they were really paying attention to our needs.

I cannot say how the food is, but if you want to feel like you went back in time go to Griechenbeisl and have a cup of coffee or a beer.

I have to mention that in one of the first guest houses in Vienna, dating since 1447. Artists, scholars and politicians came here to eat, drink, debate and reflect. The proof to all these is the Mark Twain room, where framed autographs of different personalities can be found.

The restaurant is easy to reach. It is located near Schwedenplatz, more precisely in Fleischmarkt 11. Give it a try, and you’ll find a place full of history.


Deutsch Akademie Stammtish

At Deusch Akademie we are not just having classes but we are also having fun. Why I say this? In the first week of each course of the month, you will be invited at a Stammtisch… what does this mean? They invite us all in a non-formal environment to socialize, meet new people from other classes, and enjoy an evening together.

This month the Stammtish is at Bierheuriger Gangl in the old AKH (altes AKH). It is an easy to reach location, near Schottentor. You can take the subway to Schottentor and then the 44, 43, 33, 5 tram to Lange Gasse station.


Searching the Bierheuriger Gangl on the internet, I’ve seen that a variety of food and drinks can be found here… if you like beer or wine, pork/ chicken or just some dessert, for sure you will going to find something that you’d like here.

Besides the fact that maybe you will try a new place, you will have the opportunity to interact with many people, with different nationalities and backgrounds. You will have the opportunity to practice the German language and to develop your public speaking.

I can’t wait to see how their event will going to be and how many people will attend it. For me is a great opportunity to practice my communication skills and I’m happy that this kind of events are organized in a language school.

Something else, if you are not comfortable about being alone with so many strangers around, you have to know that you can bring your friends at the event.

I can’t wait to see you there!