
this saturday met with a friend in brunnenmarkt for a coffee.It was freezing offcourse but managed to keep ourselves warm and happy in a cafe in the square with a big glass window. Nothing better than warm coffee and just looking outside what’s happening on the street

Brunnenmarkt is one of my beloved places in Vienna because it somehow reminds me of some of my favorite neighborhoods in athens.It is always busy, filled with low-cost goodies to eat, wear or just buy for the sake of buying.. Plus I find all these products very common to greek cuisine such as the sweet baclava and several other ingredients-perhaps with a different name sometimes!(it is known that there is always an issue when we talk about turkish or greek coffee-since it is exactly the same thing)….It’s funny how just a bite from some of the sweets of a turkish backerei and off i go back to Instambul ( best holidays ever)….There a strong competition happening now – apfelstrudel oder baclavas???Time will tell