Deutsch ganz leicht


When was the first time when you thought about buying your first German  book?  Did you think you would buy something for a baby, for someone small in your family or directly an enciclopedia? Directly something big and impressive? Until you get to your conclusion, let us have a look at this book that Deutsch Akademie wrote for us, the trainees. 🙂

As you might have read in my previous post, I have this book too and I consider it very appropriate for us (I am now in B1). There are 7 little stories and each of them read normally or slowly, for the people that know more German and for the ones that are learning in a nonrapid way. J That is very welcoming.

My personal favourite story is the 2nd one, the one with the stewardess and the business man. So funny! He definitely got what he deserved!

Ah, let’s not forget the exercises! Practice makes perfect, so let’s do it!