
Today I will write a little about the general information from the Matura hier in Austria.

I think that it is something really importante to know about, and maybe I can help some people with some doubts!

What is Matura?

Matura is the final exams that we do at the end of our secondary education in the Gymnasium (AHS). The document received after the successful completion of the written and oral exams is called Maturazeugnis.

In the Matura is possible to do 3 or 4 written exams (4–5 hours each – usually in May) and 3 or 4 oral exams about a month later (usually in June). The important is that in total we have to do 7 exams.

The grading system is the same used in Austrian Gymnasium:

1 – sehr gut – is excellent;

2 – gut – is good;

3 -befriedigend – is satisfactory;

4 – genügend – is passed and

5 – nicht genügend – means that the candidate has failed.

Tomorrow I come with more informations =)

This is my school, the Gymnasium in Henriettenplatz:

