No Mom, I didn’t get married

RK Ball

The waltz. Simple in theory, challenging to master. It’s something that, despite some years of dance training, I’m still in the process of mastering. Why, you might ask, would I need to learn this elegant, graceful, leg-pretzeling dance? For balls of course! This past November, I had the pleasure of co-choreographing the opening dance number for the Red Cross (Rotes Kreuz) Ball in Klosterneuburg. Since a number of my Austrian friends volunteer for the Red Cross and operate the Ball Committee, I decided to join the choreography team. In a month and a half, we somehow managed to come up with a choreography, find some willing participants, train them, and execute an opening number that landed us 3 minute ovation (no joke). A success! We even made it to the local newspaper. Even if you’re not on the organising committee of a ball, I still recommend everyone to experience an Austrian ball at least once! And if you’re still here next November…the Rotes Kreuz Klosterneuburg Ball perhaps?