Monthly Archives: Februar 2011


Hi there!

I was about to write about my experience of the State Opera this weekend and then I saw your post!

well on Saturday I was invited by my flatmate to the Opera to see „Der Fliegende Hollander“ by Wagner.He warned me that it might be a bit too much for my taste..and it was!!haha
well loads of passion, tragedy and self-destruction.serious drama.Honestly I really liked it!
we were in the upper level of the Opera-which costs only 3 euro to see a play- and it was quite exhiting just to see whats going in the space, people’s reaction etc..the play lasted 2 and a half hours with no break (wagner didnt like those ones)..according to my flatmate this was nothing serious..since there plays of his that are meant to last 12 hours…!!!!!!


Oggi prima lezione di tedesco, sveglia ore 9.00, fuoriuscita effettiva dal letto ore 10.30 (devo ancora prendere il ritmo), giusto in tempo per NON fare colazione, prepararmi, afferrare libro, quaderno e penna e precipitarmi a fare l’abbonamento settimanale e poi… Straßenbahn Nummer zwei, portami via!

Dove si scende per la DeutscheAkademie? Ovviamente fermata Staatsoper, il che fa sempre un certo effetto per una musicista, solo che a guardare meglio… saranno le poche ore di sonno, o l’emozione del primo giorno…..

Le vedete anche voi le finestre di Star Treck??

Esse, ve lo giuro, non sono assolutamente filologiche… Non so quale contorta mente post-moderna abbia potuto disegnarle, ma so per certo che per le prossime tre settimane dovrò fare un bel po‘ di yoga mattutino al fine di trattenere l’istinto di afferrare un badile e smantellarle con la forza dei miei bicipiti.

Come dice la simpatica borsina del Wien Museum „The past makes a lovely present“, si sono dimenticati di aggiungere sul retro „but sometimes present make the past UGLY“.

Ad maiora!


chi prima arriva, meglio alloggia!

Dunque mi sembra che ci siamo: computer pronto ad avviarsi, libro nuovo di zecca e violoncello in secondo piano a controllare che tutto fili liscio.

Due settimane fa sono arrivata nella sede viennese della DeutschAkademie e mi hanno immediatamente messo sotto il naso un test d’ingresso… niente panico, Emanuela!
Test buono, indecisi fra secondo e terzo corso, le ragazze dell’ufficio mi hanno dato una mano a capire quale fosse la scelta più conveniente per me e così abbiamo deciso per l’iscrizione al secondo corso…. piccolo dettaglio: i posti per febbraio erano praticamente finiti!!
Se ne salvava giusto uno, l’ULTIMO, nell’orario più infelice: 12.00 – 15.00!!!
Vabbeh, magari è l’occasione buona per fare un po‘ di dieta… il posto è mio!

In altre parole, se posso darvi un primo – utilissimo! – consiglio, quando decidete di prenotare un corso qui alla DeutschAkademie, fatelo con LARGO, LARGHISSIMO anticipo, intendo almeno un mese prima, in modo da assicurarvi gli orari più desiderabili, ovvero la mattina o la sera…

Ciao ciao!


B1 zwei drei :)

So the next grade of my cours has just started! Everyone I know says, that I learn unbelievable fast. Like complitely silent just one month ago and now I can not keep my mouth shut, because the ice is broken and I already can speak a bit. But I should say that’s hardly my personal credit…I am rather lazy and don’t seriously learn at home for instance. But teachers are so gentle in the school, being definitely versed in the psychology as well, so they just give you this essential sense of security…so you’re no longer scared to try to speak. And that’s the most important step I think, ‚coz all the rest comes later almost by itself…I think so, but whatever…This is a very subjective report, I know… 🙂

The Loudspeaker exhibition pics

Looks like they fixed the problem with the pics, so I can show you some. These ones were made at the „Loudspeaker“ exhibition I was talking about below. The pics don’t work that much without the sound of course…but try to turn on your imagination first…and then just double!

But best is still to go there and to experience this journey with your skin…

And if you are at Museums Q…

And if you are at Museums Q…and if you have some time left…I do do do recommend you to visit „Hyper Real“ exhibition in MUMOK! I mean…not all the showpieces are equally impressive (though a lot), but the exhibition in itself is definitely great as it brings you far beyond the normal understanding of what reality is or could be. For an old lady like me it was a certain shock to see with my own eyes reality which actually doesn’t really belong to reality. Well…maybe it did the other day, but surely not anymore…and still looks so real! 🙂

You will find there a lot of works of most famous american artists of the 60s-70s in an unusual combination, as well as comments of theirs on their personal attitude to what object and subject mean to them in the context of Reality. You see? 🙂

Hurry up, it is the last week the exhibition is there – till 13.02.

TONSPUR_expanded. The Loudspeaker exhibition.

Well…it is very much a pity that I am not able to upload pics…’coz I was going to tell you about a nice exhibition I had visited…and wanted to show you some pics, so you get a better impression. But anyway…this exibition is mostly focused on artistic engagement with sound conversion. So yeah…This event is all about the sound, magnetic fields, acoustic etc., where 27 international artists working in a range of genres (fine art, sound art, media art, digital culture) employ the loudspeaker as an aid, an art object, innovative technology or as a „victim“ in sound sculptures, sound installations, videos, mixed media installations and depictive works.

It is really hard to discribe the thing without pics…or sounds…or any other media sourses. So you better go and check it out yourself. Get both your eyes and your ears opened! As I say…it would be a pure (not that long-time though) pleasure for all the senses.

The exhibition takes its place in Museums Q (10 mins walk from Deutsch Akademie), in Quartier21 (which is close to MariaHilferstrasse) and lasts only till the 20th of February. And it’s Free admission! Enjoy!

A few ‚thanks‘ words

This Friday it was the last lesson of our A2.2 class. That is a big joy on one hand, because it means we’re getting closer to the goal…but on the other – it is also sad. Some of my class mates will not attend B1 this time with me…some go on holidays, some leave for home…The teacher also takes a break, which is pain for me because I did enjoy it there with her as well…In other words, I think, we all got used that much to see each other almost everyday and got so „close“, so this inevitable change of class, I think, is kind of stress. I mean..not really one…but kinda. And I would love to say: that was a wonderful one months, with you, guys, full of fun! And I will really miss those ones of you who leave the school! Good luck in life!And hopefully we see someday again!

Naschmarkt godsends v.1

You know me now a bit…don’t you? 🙂 This wooden bear comes from Naschmarkt…he was first laying in a pile of litter when I found him, and costed just 1 euro after all. Sometimes I think this world is far too far unfair. Sometimes I understand no thing.

But anyway…it’s now alright… he’s full and warmed, he has his role in life again.
