Monthly Archives: Februar 2011

another very,very useful site for deutsch learners of all levels and interests..deutsche welle..divided in several categories one can see world news, read articles or listen to the online there are categories such as Deutschkurs, DW radio, DW-TV and DW Nutzen..So one ou spend on this site from 5 minutes up to a whole day.Perfect, no?,,2068,00.html


Yes…I am now moving along level B1/1 and it is pretty interesting!We are now focusing on a more detailed view over certain grammar rules as well as listening and some writing. Really enjoy our teacher Simone-shame she won’t be in this course for March…Yesterday we had an audiovisual experience of „Sisi: The young Queen“.It was a pretty funny one…I mean all this culture around Sisi , obviously have nothing to do with reality, still feeding the imagination of so many people about the Austrian Empire. Still I loved watching parts of the film!So cult! The scenery, dialogues and the play of actors is unique! The group then reconstructed some of the dialogues between Sissi, the young King and his mother in german.The result was hilarious, plus very helpfull for a new german spaeker!


time for some sportsmachen

after a whole semester running around from one class to another I decided to do some proper running..!this semster start the sport classes at the University of Vienna.Since my financial situation is pretty tight at the moment it was one of the best solutions.The university offers classes in almost any kind of sport as well as dance and gymnastics one could imagine and the costs are very low for students or memebrs at universities-between 17 and 50 euros per semester.The courses are held in different locations in Vienna so perhaps one should think wha’s more convenient before signing in.

The link is:
you then go to Kurdprogram and Kursliste and take a look at the various offers
good luck!

Let´s blog!

Quando andrete a fare il test di ingresso per registrarvi ai corsi della DeutschAkademie vi faranno compilare una scheda personale con una serie di dati anagrafici, ma anche alcune opzioni.

Fra tutte troverete anche un punto in cui vi si chiede se siete interessati a ricevere maggiori informazioni sul blogger-discount… se fossi in voi io risponderei „SI!“
Io l´ho fatto e quindi ho scoperto che coloro che postano sul blog della DeutschAkademie hanno diritto ad uno speciale sconto sul prezzo del loro corso… niente male!!!

E come diceva Descartes, bloggo ergo sum!

Ciao ciao,




Yes..I know I will become very boring with all these cultural stuff…but I have to write about this!well I went to the Kunsthistorisches museum this Friday..actually I have a free pass from a class of mine but was so busy and a bit snobby of academic art that I did not go until now…ts ts ts …well , yes, it’s worth a visit..definitely too many paintings full of passion, colors and heavy themes but still it is a place to really understand where it all started course I went through the egyptian and greek collection only to discover some objects that were really this beautiful sculpture of this tiger(?) -somehow looks like a human face to me as well…



Saturday means off course going to Naschmarkt for a quick look at the „antique“ market….sooo many cool stuff!!!This time I was so lucky..I was searching for the right type of curtains for my room..pretty annoying process, since I don’t want to spend to much but on the other hand I really need soon as I stepped in the market I just came across this beautiful, old-school curtain..I asked the old lady how much it cost. „8 euro“, she said.. „well that’s to much“, replied“what about 5?….“I give it for 7″…“I take it for 6″..“6 euros it is“..“Done!“…Yes, it’s part of the fun and makes you feel a bit that you made your little stuggle before actually buying the thing you want..It makes sense i think!I hanged my curtain today and felt proud for my bargaining skills… 😉


this saturday met with a friend in brunnenmarkt for a coffee.It was freezing offcourse but managed to keep ourselves warm and happy in a cafe in the square with a big glass window. Nothing better than warm coffee and just looking outside what’s happening on the street

Brunnenmarkt is one of my beloved places in Vienna because it somehow reminds me of some of my favorite neighborhoods in athens.It is always busy, filled with low-cost goodies to eat, wear or just buy for the sake of buying.. Plus I find all these products very common to greek cuisine such as the sweet baclava and several other ingredients-perhaps with a different name sometimes!(it is known that there is always an issue when we talk about turkish or greek coffee-since it is exactly the same thing)….It’s funny how just a bite from some of the sweets of a turkish backerei and off i go back to Instambul ( best holidays ever)….There a strong competition happening now – apfelstrudel oder baclavas???Time will tell

new space

This week I had some great news from my tutors.I was offered a proper working space in the studios.Up to now due t lack of space and number of people studio comprised of a small working table and a dark wall.Offcourse better that than nothing..but I am so happy now to be moving in a new space on the 1st floor of Schillerplatz building.Today I spent my first day there-don’t like Sundays so it was good to get away from the flat to somewhere warm!Can’t say it was very productive since I spent almost all day chatting with my new neighbors/colleaguesbut really enjoyed the fresh start…So hoping for new productive days this spring! 😉

cartaceo o digitale? Beide!

O voi, che come me avete scelto (o vi è toccato) il corso „mittelgiornaliero“, ovvero quello super-intensivo, che comincia a metà mese, dura tre settimane, tre ore al giorno per cinque giorni, con orario prandiale 12.00-15.00….vedo le vostre occhiaie e vi capisco!

Credo che anche voi conosciate bene la situazione di cui alla foto qui sopra riportata, ma per coloro che dovessero ancora cominciare, preparatevi, materialmente e psicologicamente!

Innanzitutto in questo corso si corre (ehm… ci deve essere anche una ragione etimologica in tutto ciò!) da matti e se le regole si assorbono anche facilmente, quelli che richiedono più impegno sono i vocaboli, che vanno rigorosamente imparati a memoria. Come? Viederholen, viederholen, viederholen, viederholen…..

Innanzitutto però vi ci vuole un buon vocabolario cartaceo „old fashion“, questo è fondamentale per rendere più rapida e precisa la ricerca del blocco dei vocaboli che di lezione in lezione aumenta a dismisura. In seconda battuta, però, a mio avviso torna molto utile il web, che offre ad esempio un servizio formidabile per quanto riguarda i verbi e tutte le loro forme, si chiama VERBIX.
Qui il link:

Non dubito, comunque, che ci siano altre fonti altrettanto utili e attendibili, in caso mi capitasse di trovare qualche altra chicca ve la segnalerò con piacere!

Bis bald!


Il vantaggio di essere europei…

Passeggiando per Vienna capita spesso di essere fermati da qualche „volantinatore“ che gentilmente cerca di affibbiarti la solita fotocopia di materiale informativo contro la caccia, o per i diritti delle donne birmane, ma questa devo dire che è la più curiosa che mi sia capitata finora.

AUSTRITT AUS DER EU… Austriaci, dove ve ne volete andare???
C’è da dire che l’età media dei sostenitori della causa era comunque intorno agli ottantasette anni, quindi possiamo sostenere senza timore di smentita che questa causa non ha molto futuro…!!

A parte il dettaglio di costume, lo sapete che il fatto di essere cittadini europei in Austria ci dà un enorme numero di privilegi a livello sociale?
Ve ne dico solo uno: se decidete di iscrivervi all’Università, le tasse di iscrizione per un anno scolastico ammontano a circa…. 17 EURO!


Ciao ciao,


To Masha

Yes…studies and especially in arts is a hard one!

From what I see Vienna is a good place for one to be if interested in the cultural sector. However even here arts is a „funny“ road to take.
I have been honestly very challenged by the high quality of visual art, music and cinema I have seen here. And I think anyone that is interested in culture-professionaly or not- will probably feel the shame way..What you do with that is another story..

yes, it’s good not to be alone..!though technology is not on my side in this blog!hehe