Monthly Archives: Oktober 2018

Lateinamerika in Wien. Latinoamerica en Viena.

Sabian ustedes que esta iglesia es nombrada como MexicanPlatz debido a que Mexico fue el primer pais en protestar contra el Nacismo? Lo se, es una historia triste de recordar…pero algo que pasó y nos deja recuerdos para toda la vida.

Mi pais tambien es un pais que ha sufrido y al cual han tildado de muchas cosas que no son buenas, sin conocer realmente lo que pasa, y aunque la historia muchas veces no nos haga sentirnos orgullosos, los procesos son los que nos transformar a donde estamos y a ser lo que somos.

Mi punto igualmente no iba a ese, mi punto iba que caminando por las calles cercanas al Danubio encontré esta hermosa iglesia y aunque su nombre es Mexikanplatz la misa que celebran alla no es en español ajajajajajajaja. Igualmente, caminar por ella siempre será un placer y no olvidar despues de misa un merecido desayuno no puede faltar!!!!!

Mi historia es entonces acerca de mis raices, de como estando tan lejos finalmente hacemos todos parte de un solo mundo. En donde lo que le pase a uno les pasa a todos. Entender la manera en que un pais participa en decisiones externas, en el cambio, en como todos somos tan idferentes pero a la vez hacemos parte del mismo proceso es algo invaluable.


Die Geschichte hat Stadt gemacht. La historia hecha ciudad.

Que es lo primero que todos pensamos cuando viajamos a esta ciudad? Para no caer en detalles, la conclusión siempre será SU HISTORIA. Es importante no dejar pasar esto, ya que es lo que hace viva a la ciudad, es lo que la representó lo que la cambió y lo que la convierte en lo que ahora es.

No soy muy fanática de la historia, o depronto nunca la senti tan real como cuando comence a caminar estas calles. Es increible lo que la mente puede abrirse al ver monumentos y elementos que van mas allá de nuestra realidad, pero que hacen parte de nuestro presente.

Recorrer el centro es una tarea diaria para mi, y recorrerla dia a dia es una sensación nueva para mi. Es admirable, como estos elementos recuerdan la historia del magestuoso imperio Astro-Hungaro, de las riquezas y de la manera en como vivia su población.

Sabian ustedes de Maria Teresa? Yo no. Y como mujer, creo que es importante reconocer como muchos años atras una mujer tan fuerte pudo levantar y convertir a este pais en uno de los imperios más importantes? Conocemos la Opera? Si, todos nos hablan del maravilloso Danubio Azul, todos deseamos entrar a estos salones de la época y disfrutar de un buen canto, de sentir un poco a Mozart, a Strauss.

Nunca me contaron del Parlamento, pero cuando lo vi, senti vivir la epoca romana, la majestuosidad y la importancia del gobierno representada en la verdad y la justicia, lo siento soy arquitecta y aveces me pongo demasiado romantica.

Recorres el Parlamento, para seguir por MuseumQuartier, o pasar con Heldengplatz, las caballerisas, y terminar en el edificio que le da sentido a la cultura de este pais, la Opera. Sin olvidar, además el Ring su via mas importante, su centro de desarrollo, donde todo y todos han pasado, vale la pena sentir su magia en cada caminar.

Life in Vienna

I’m really enjoying my time in Vienna but of course it is very different to Melbourne and I miss my Melbourne life very much. I’m also very much enjoying the Wiener Staatsoper but have gotten myself lots of pain all over my body which I need to recover from as soon as I can. A ballet dancer comes with the responsibility of self care.

This week at the Deutsch Akademie was so awesome, I loved it a lot but lots to take in and revision to do over the weekend. Looking forward to next week!

Reflections on My Time in Europe

Now that I am writing the last of my blog posts for the Deutsche Akademie, I figured it would be good to reflect on my time in Vienna so far. I have been thinking a lot about what has been good, what has been bad, and what experiences have taught me the most about myself while I have been here.

There are so many amazing things that I have gotten to experience while being in Vienna. Making friends at the Deutsche Akademie, learning so much about the world as part of my work at the UN, and making connections with people from all over Europe. It has truly been an amazing experience and one that I feel so fortunate to have had in my life. I’ll always remember the various foods, drinks, and cultural experiences I have had the opportunity to be a part of here, and I really couldn’t imagine a better way to spend the last few months.

Of course, nothing is perfect and there have been some tough moments living here as well. I think the feeling of not fully belonging is one that still lingers in the back of my mind, but as I get better and better at German and integrate more and more with Austrian society that feeling will slowly go away. Also, the distinct lack of Mexican food that I grew up eating in Southern California is also a hardship that I will have to learn to endure. But I have managed to substitute my cravings for Mexican food with a healthy portion of Käsekrainer and Döner, and I think that will get me through the next few months.

Lastly, the things that have taught me about myself. While here, I have learned that friends can be found in the most unlikely of places, and I have learned that in order to have a friend you have to be a friend. I have learned that even if you don’t speak a language perfectly, usually people will just appreciate that you tried and meet you half way. And I learned that through hard work and determination, I too can eventually become fluent in German. It’s going to take some time and I will have to be patient but eventually it will happen.

I’ve had an amazing time in Vienna so far, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings. I feel that Vienna is becoming a place I can call home, and in a few months when my time here is over I know I will be very sad to leave.

Schloss Neuschwanstein

One of the most amazing things that I have done in Europe is taking a tour at Neuschwanstein. Sure, its super touristy it sometimes feels like there is a million people there, but it is also a breath taking monument with amazing hiking trails, beautiful views, and lots of rich history. I believe everyone should see Neuschwanstein (and its neighboring castle Hohenschwangau) at least once in their life, and I wanted to write this blog to explain how to do it in the easiest way possible if they’re already in Munich.

One week before

During the high travel season (June, July, and August), tours at Neuschwanstein fill up early. It is recommended that you book your tour pass a week in advance from their website here. There are 3 options of places to tour: Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, and the Museum of the Bavarian Kings. My recommendation is skipping the Museum of the Bavarian Kings, but if possible make time to see both Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. Neuschwanstein is definitely the most beautiful of the two castles, but Hohenschwangau offers a fantastic tour of the interior and has a lot of really interesting artifacts from the people who used to live there. If you can only do one, however, then go for the Neuschwanstein tour.

The day of the tour

On the day of the tour, allow for at least two hours travel time from Munich. Get up early in the morning and head to Munich Hauptbahnhof, the central train station. There, you can buy a regional travel ticket for one person, or for a group of people that will allow you to travel for up to 24 hours. If you’re traveling in a group, the group ticket works out to be the cheapest because it is 24 euros, plus an additional 5 euros per person. Get on the train to Füssen and ride it until the end of the line, enjoying the beautiful views of the Bavarian countryside along the way. Once you arrive at the Füssen Hauptbahnhof you will exit the train, turn right, then there is a bus stop there with groups of people going to see the castle. Take the 71 bus to Schwangau (you can still use your regional day pass so you don’t have to buy a new ticket) and then hop off with all the other people going to see the castle in Schwangau. Head to the ticket center and collect your tickets for your tour (don’t forget that you must arrive 90 minutes before the start time of your tour) and then go to the castle of your tour. Enjoy the tour and take some amazing photos, and then head back to Munich the same way you came (and don’t forget, the ticket should still be valid so you don’t have to buy a new one).

Insider tip

I recommend talking the walking path to the right of Neuschwanstein as far as it will go. You get to a bridge where you can take an amazing photo of the castle. If you keep going along the path it will eventually come to an end, but there is a section you can climb up a bit and get a more private view of the castle. It’s definitely worth the extra effort!


Having spent the past month preparing for Oktoberfest, I was beyond excited to don my Lederhosen and go out into the wonderful world of German songs, food, and beer. I had spent so much time learning the songs, practicing my German, and thinking about what food and beer I would drink that I really couldn’t wait to reap the rewards of my work.

My friends and I woke up early in order to get to the fest on time to get a table and took the train into Munich along with a few other Oktoberfest goers. On the way there, we looked up some information about the tents (we used this website which was pretty useful) and settled on going to Schützen-Festzelt for its mix of authentic Oktoberfest food and great music. By 9:30 am we were in line for the tent, and by 10 am we were inside buying our first beer. We spent the day drinking beer, having fun, talking, eating, and singing along to the few Oktoberfest songs we knew together. In the evening, we left and went on some rides at the amusement park part of Oktoberfest.

Me after a long day of drinking beer and speaking German

Oktoberfest was one of the most memorable experiences that I have had so far in Europe, but the best part of it was that the entire day I got to practice my German. Either when I was ordering beer for my friends or speaking with my girlfriend and her friends, I had a chance to use the German skills that I had developed at DeutschAkademie to interact with other people and really feel like I belong in Germany. I won’t lie, taking the intensive German course for a month at the DeutschAkademie was difficult at times and very time consuming, but it was all worth it when I was able to order all my food, pay for it, ask for recommendations, talk to some strangers, and talk about myself all in German. It felt like after a month I had progressed so much in my understanding and speaking ability and I know I wouldn’t be here without the help of the DeutschAkademie.


Preparing for Oktoberfest

What language learning experience would be complete without exposure to important aspects of that languages culture? To complement my German language courses I felt that it was only right that I take the time to go to Munich’s famous Oktoberfest to get fully immersed in German culture, which includes great songs, great food, and above all, great beer.

To prepare for this trip I had my work cut out for me. First, I had to find a semi authentic Lederhosen, which can range in price from 30 euros to over 500 euros. After comparing prices online, I decided to splurge a bit and bought a semi authentic but still very affordable Lederhosen, along with the appropriate shirt and socks.

Next, I had to learn some traditional German Oktoberfest songs. My girlfriend, who is from Germany, helped me with this by suggesting I focus on learning Hulapalu by Andreas Gabalier, So Ein Schöner Tag by Fliegerlied, and Atemlos Durch Die Nacht by Helene Fischer. Luckily for me, all of these songs were pretty repetitive and easy to learn, since their target audience is drunk people, and after a few hundred listens on the way to and from work, I was pretty sure I could accurately nail the chorus at least.

Lastly, I had to find accommodation for Oktoberfest for myself, my girlfriend, and my two friends who were joining from the United States. We decided to go the cheaper route and stayed outside of Munich in a small town called Holzkirchen. If I had to do this again, I would spend a bit more to be closer to Munich, since we had to get up incredibly early to get to the fest on time, but we did manage to save a lot of money, which is important during Oktoberfest when you’re a broke intern like me.

After all this work and preparation, the end result was a fantastic time at Oktoberfest with my friends, which I’ll write about in my next blogpost.


Ovo ne samo da je posljednji blog, nego je I posljednji mjesec mog boravka u Becu.

Godina je prosla I mogu vam reci proletjela je! Jednostavno nije dovoljno za Bec. Uglavnom dosta sam toga radila posljednjih mjeseci: radila, ucila njemacki, izlazila, druzila se, zabavljala se, istrazivala Bec…


Nemoguce je ne zaljubiti se u ovaj grad I pozeliti da se vratis. Iako mi je malo drago sto cu izbjeci famozne Becke vjetrove I zime. 😛

Ono sto mi je takodjer drago jeste sto sam se svecano natjerala da se upisem na kurs njemackog, zao mi je sto to ranije nisam uradila, ali sigurno cu nastaviti da ucim.

Prije kursa sam pokusavala malo sama, malo kroz neke aplikacije poput Duolingo. Ali ja jednostavno nisam taj tip. U Deutschakademie sam provela 4 produktivna mjeseca I mislim da se napredak moze primjetiti. Trenutno sam samo na pola puta sa zavrsenim A2. Ali jos malo! Deutschakademie mi je pokazala sa svojim odlicnim uciteljima I uciteljicama da nije nemoguce. Intenzivnim kursevima mislim da kroz godinu dana sigurno mozes propricati njemacki.

Sada je doslo vrijeme da se oprostim. S obzirom da ne vjerujem da se ovdje moja prica u Becu zavrsava reci cu : Do iduceg puta!

Mein Lieblingsbuch

Well, it’s not really my favorite book, but it’s definitely up there. I’m talking, of course, about Menschen A2.1 Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch. These are the two books we’ve been using for our A2.1 course and it has been fantastically helpful with my German education.

My favorite thing about the book is that the chapters are condensed and meant to be covered in about a day or two. It doesn’t focus too much on vocab, which is good because I feel like learning vocab is usually the easier part of learning a language. Each chapter covers one topic, like eating at a restaurant, going grocery shopping, or cooking food (you can tell that I’m very interested in eating). Learning phrases and words in a context makes them easier to remember. This allows your brain to sort the topics easily and if I need to I can look back in the book and brush up on something before I know I will need it.

Central to passing A2 German is a heavy focus on grammar. This is unfortunate, because German grammar is notoriously difficult (at least to me), but the book makes it straight forward and easy to practice different grammatical concepts so that you get better as using them on the fly in normal conversation.

Overall, I found the A2.1 Kursbuch and Arbeitsbuch to be an invaluable part of my German education and I am sure I will continue to refer back to it in the future to brush up on certain concepts. Best of all, the books were relatively affordable, certainly compared to some of the books I have had to purchase before for university!


Nicht alles ist wie es scheint. No todo es lo que parece.

Para aquellos que llevan años y tiempo conociendo paises y viajando y explorando, esta frase les resultara muy familiar en cualquier contexto que se presente. En mi contexto personal, lleva a una connotación social y cultural de un país al que le ponía una idea demasiado diferente a la que ahora tengo en mente.

Como empezar una frase como esta y no saber a que lado de la historia coger, resulta extraño como en cada contexto que la ubique me da una nueva historia que contar, algo nuevo por descubrir…No quisiera hablar de algo especifico, pero tampoco quisiera generalizar una idea demasiado grande y no llegar a un punto.

Así que aquí voy. Una ciudad magica, una historia que contar en cada rincon, Maria Teresa, la reina Sisi…mundos mágicos por descubrir y sobre todo una ciudad como muchos dirian „fria“. Por fria ya me he referido varias veces a su contexto social, pero ese tema lo aclararé más adelante.

En este contexto, paises tan lejanos como el mio que tenemos una temperatura diferente, representa un país totalmente frio en donde solo existe la idea de un saco, una sombrilla y botas pantaneras 365 dias a la semana. Lo curioso del tema viene pues, que aunque mi cabeza tenia esa idea, para mi no era tan ajeno el sentimiento de sentir lo frio como algo mas romantico, ya que no soy tan amante del calor.

Pero en este caso, es necesario confesar que nunca habia sentido tanta magia y felicidad como la que me dio la primavera sus comienzos y a raiz de eso, ver a Viena no solo como la ciudad de la historia, es verla como la ciudad de los jardines adornados con colores mágicos, con verdes impactantes. Yo se que muchos tienen la meta de llevar a Viena para ver a la Opera, a los monumentos y a las esculturas e historia que aca reposa. Pero dejarse llevar por solo un lado de la ciudad es un error que no vuelvo a cometer; porque perderme en las calles de esta ciudad, me hizo encontrar colores y vida en espacios más allá de los públicamente conocidos.

A continuación les presento a la felicidad, a la realidad más allá de lo historico. A esos recuerdos vivos que te enseñan que la vida es esto, es cada momento, es cada aroma es cada olor que disfrutas mientras el tiempo te da el espacio. Es curioso saber que estando ahorita en Otoño, este espacio no luce igual, pero nunca lo será y saber que presencie un arte por el momento que estuvo es sentirme en la gloria.

Recuerden que Viena no es solo un catalogo para ver, no son solo pasos que recorrer, es el aire que se vive, es la historia detras de un edificio, las flores y los parques que lo rodean, todo lo que ha hecho de ella una ciudad casi perfecta. Aun tengo mis dudas sobre la idea de caos y desorden que los Vieneses tienen (Soy latinoamericana jajajaja) pero mientras sigo en mi busqueda, los dejo con pedacitos poco conocidos de una ciudad que va llenando espacios inmensos en mi corazon.

Ljeto u Becu

Ljeto je bilo predivno. Ja sam oduvijek bila tip kojeg guzve nisu smetale nego stavise ja ih volim. Podsjecaju me na kosnicu, na nered a to je nekako pokazatelj zivota, da sve zivi I vrvi. Iz istog razloga vise volim Bec ljeti. Ustvari ne samo zbog toga, zbog mnogo toga.

Jos jedan razlog zbog kojeg vise volim Bec ljeti jeste Dunav. Ogromna je stvar imati rijeku u kojoj se mozes kupati u gradu, pogotovo lijepi plavi Dunav.

Mislim da se ljetna sezona u Becu otvara Donauinselfestom. Prije svega da naglasim kako mi je to ostrvo fascinantno I nesto sto se ne moze svugdje naci. Ovo ostrvo dijeli Dunav na dva rukavca- Dunav I Novi Dunav. I na jednoj strani su prometni brodovi kojim mozete doci I do Budimpeste. A druga strana je uglavnom malo ‘mirnija’ gdje mozete ici plivati ili baviti se nekim vodenim sportovima. Ali za to bih preporucila Alte Donau.

I nekako se sve veze uz rijeku Dunav. Izmedju ostalog, jedno od cestih mjesta gdje se mladi okupljaju ljeti jeste kanal na Schwedinplatzu. Da li u kaficu, strandbaru ili jednostavno na cesti mozete vidjeti veliki broj mladih u vrucim ljetnim nocima kako se ovdje hlade.